Anybody wanna share their best mama chicken breeds? Or help with mine?

Mar 27, 2024
Hey, I have a broody white Plymouth Rock black australorp cross. She is a very good laying hen, will tolerate petting, and she is very laidback. She is sitting on two blue EE eggs, and two unknown brown eggs. (And two ceramic eggs.. shhh 🤫) All eggs are developing amazing, but I’m expecting a staggered hatch. Does anybody have experience with this crossbreed? Or do you know if australorps and/or/ Plymouth rocks are good mamas? Thanks in advance. (Btw this broody hen’s mama, a black australorp, has been broody before as well.) this broody hen only started laying around 5-7 months ago!
here is my broody mama.
All eggs are developing amazing
I'm amazed that the ceramic eggs are developing!
but I’m expecting a staggered hatch
Why? This is not good. How far are they staggered?
Or do you know if australorps and/or/ Plymouth rocks are good mamas?
Australorps and PBRs are both excellent broody hens. I've had one of each and they are/were my top broodies out of all who have brooded here.



Hey, I have a broody white Plymouth Rock black australorp cross. She is a very good laying hen, will tolerate petting, and she is very laidback. She is sitting on two blue EE eggs, and two unknown brown eggs. (And two ceramic eggs.. shhh 🤫) All eggs are developing amazing, but I’m expecting a staggered hatch. Does anybody have experience with this crossbreed? Or do you know if australorps and/or/ Plymouth rocks are good mamas? Thanks in advance. (Btw this broody hen’s mama, a black australorp, has been broody before as well.) this broody hen only started laying around 5-7 months ago! View attachment 3783358here is my broody mama.
i never had hens only roosters but i can give u assurance that Leghorns are best my teetee was a best father he foster many chicks

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