Anyone Else Really Unimpressed With Their Leghorns?

Is it possible you have an egg eater?
Also, do you light your coop for optimal production? How long has the low productivity been going on?
No egg eaters my nests are kept very clean so I can see when and if an eggs has broken and been eaten. I do have a light in my coop for optimal production and like I said the other hens are laying at a good rate, it's just the leghorns who are not. The productivity has been down since about april.
I'm not impressed with my leghorns but NOT for laying enough eggs, they are my bullies. I got 2 leghorns that are 2 years old but they are the most consistent layers since they were 16 wks old, reason I have love-hate relationship with them. They are great layers, we got 2 more this year and been laying everyday for 3 wks now.
Were they laying well before April? Is it possible they maybe got spooked by a predator or major change(moved/built/fixed/changed coops or run or anything in the environment lately?) or something and they just haven't gotten over it yet? They can be very flighty. Or perhaps they are molting? Depending on the chicken molts can either be very fast lose all the feathers at once and get over it fast or it can be a few feathers at a time barely noticible and very slow going. You could try upping the protein or the calcium and see if that helps. Or maybe they have scaly leg mites or something? Of course it's entirely possible you just got horrible layers and there is no reason but if they were laying well before I find that a bit odd. Maybe they don't like the heat but that would be weird because they are a heat tolerant breed and developed in hot climates. I really don't know what to tell you :/

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