Anyone else taking the KLOVE challenge?

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I'm courageous enough to speak my mind, instead of just going along to get along. BTW, that was a cheap shot, because you don't know me, but I'm man enough to let it slide without running, crying to the mods.

The music of that song could be written for any of today's pop music. Pop rock, pop country, pop Christian. It's mundane and generic. Once again, it's not something that wants to grab hold in my memory bank.

Alright. But really, you are starting to get on at least a few people's nerves here. If you don't want to try out the challenge and/or don't care for the genre... don't post here. That simple.

Actually, EVERY SINGLE pop song today encourages lust and evil. IE- Enrique's "Tonight I'm ******* you" or anything by Lil' Wayne or Eminem. This encourages the opposite.
If they come on and I can't control it (in such laces as the gym, my grandma's car, a friend's house) than it doesn't count. But all music I can control my listening of must be Christian. I am filching a little bit... Celtic Woman (folk songs) is still on my iPod, because there is an element of Christianity in those songs.

All right, thanks for the explanation!

I think that this challenge is all about personal interpretation. If music encourages you to grow closer to God, it counts.
. I can't imagine that Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata" wouldn't make the cut.
I doubt Royd intended to offend guys. Everyone has an opinion...I tend to agree with him at least about music these days not being as good as music in the "old days"...It's one of those things that happens as you age.

Ease up on us old folks...You don't have to agree. saying that every single pop song today encourages lust and evil is as wrong as Royd saying all Christian music is boring and commercial.

Absolutes are rarely true.

This whole thread is a little silly in my opinion. Listening to only Christian music doesn't make you a better person or a better Christian than listening to secular music does. There is a whole lot of music out there...popular, classical, folk, jazz, hip hop, etc. Condemning them all is silly, so is condemning an entire genre.

Recent song I've been hearing on the radio:

Old popular song, from a favorite group. No sex, no lust, no evil, just silliness. They Might Be Giants at their best:

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