Anyone Else THRILLED to See Coach Voted Off Survivor??

Yup the honesty and integrity bit only lasted as long as it served his purpose and then he acted like his lie never happened. All his bs was just an act from day one. Either that or he's just mental enough to believe himself. If he had been in any of those situations he claimed he would at least do something around camp other than posture and meditate. I've been ready to see him go for a while. I was just as happy as when Tyson got the boot.
I was soooooo happy he was gone!! He annoyed me from the beginning. I pity him some though - when everyone else had family members, he had his assistance coach? To me that seemed odd and sad.
He's a strange man. Would love to have actual confirmation of some of his stories...

Did anyone besides me find it strange that the back & asthma stuff was not mentioned until he started needing pity?

Coach had his bizarre stories and fantasies about himself. But Tyson was a whole different ball game. He tried to have this I'm a cool dude to hang with attitude but in reality when he was doing his interviews he was a mean and nasty dude who had Coach completely fooled as to who he was.

Coach had his bizarre stories and fantasies about himself. But Tyson was a whole different ball game. He tried to have this I'm a cool dude to hang with attitude but in reality when he was doing his interviews he was a mean and nasty dude who had Coach completely fooled as to who he was.

If I had to choose between the 2, I'd take Coach over Tyson. But I wouldn't be happy about it!
Yep all the sudden the "dragon slayer" was a frail old man. Then later he was fine. He couldn't just say oh you beat me fair and square. I was laughing when he told the captured in the Congo story being dropped by military chopper that he didn't have to pay for because he knew people.
I missed Survivor last night!!! Usually it's recorded on my DVR, but for some reason, it didn't record last night.

I got my survivor update at BYC!!

Bye bye Coach! You gagged me in so many ways and I'm so glad to know you're gone! Such a greasy kinda creep you were. I don't know how you managed to last as long as you did.
But now we don't get to enjoy the jury making fun of him

I do feel sorry for the jury getting stuck with him in their house, but I was SOOOO glad to see him go. I want to see him at the reunion show and see if he is really as crazy as he looked to be on the show!

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