Looking to Rehome Ducks
As much as this pains me to do, my husband and I originally started with 4 little 2-day old orphaned ducks. We thought were 2 males and 2 females, each a different breed; we had 3 males and one female. We hoped we would hatch additional females and we did, the first batch, we thought were 5 females but were 4 females and a male, all born on St. Patty’s Day but we haven’t named any of them except the male and that just recently and one female, Lucky. We lost our original female, Goldie (she was a Pekin) and unexpectedly passed, she was just getting over bumblefoot-very mild case, which resolved itself with clear iodine and epsom salt. Our 3 original males: Chocolate (Khaki Campbell), Half-Pint (Mallard) and Midnight (Cayuga). We know all of them are part Pekin and believe the first 5 are from Chocolate the Khaki Campbell, and second time we hatched 2- 1 male and 1 female. Luna & Loco, born April 16th and April 17th, we’re pretty sure these are from the Cayuga.
Near the end before Goldie finished laying her first clutch we began separating them- Goldie & Midnight had one side of the house; Chocolate & Half-pint the other side; however, during the day, I would noticed Half-pint mounting Goldie a couple times; Chocolate had become an inside duck at this time, as he was too obsessed with Goldie.
We’re finding it difficult to take care of 10 ducks, Jack & his sisters have one side of the house w/a kiddie pool inside and the other 3 drakes the other side also with a pool. We’ve decided to keep our 3 original drakes, since we don’t plan on hatching anymore eggs, plan was to only keep the females but that didn’t work too well cuz they’re so adorable. Their all fed DuMor All-Flock Pellets, when our Goldie began laying eggs, we would add oyster shell in a small bowl for her. They all enjoy treats: corn, peas, green beans, carrots, bananas, watermelon, even oatmeal (plain) and of course, worms, frogs and other insects and are all forage. The 5 from the first clutch have never been separated and are always together, if one female is missing then another will squawk until she returns lol. We’re hoping to get rid of the 4 hens and drake together, to keep them together and will throw in a bag of oyster shell that we will no longer need since we only have drakes. We’ve only ever used Pelletized Bedding for our ducks, it’s just easier to maintain with the humidity and heat we have here. It turns to pine sawdust and many people use it for cat liter.
I’ll be having surgery soon and will be off my feet for 6 weeks since it cannot be down using using and a robot, and my husband finds dealing with them all too much alone. A couple of the hens are becoming accustomed to people and will eat slices of banana from our hands.
Our other two, Luna & Loco haven’t gone outside yet, we wanted to wait till they were a little older, not to mention are both so good and quiet. They’ll even watch TV with my husband and enjoy people company. They stay in two huge sterilite storage boxes that we cut and put together. These two are and have always been together since the day the other hatched and very comfortable around people. We would prefer to have these two found a home together, since they’re so close. We put one of the smaller girls in the tub with them a couple times but they stood far away from her and stuck together taking turns hiding behind one another lol.

We’re hoping to find owners for them that consider them as we do, pets and part of our family, who know about ducks, and what’s involved in caring for them. I’m including my email in case anyone is interested and wanted to post here before anywhere else, like Facebook or any other places. All are free. Goldie’s first clutch ended with her laying just over 50 eggs and she laid her first one in January. Some we incubated, she was not a brooder, others my husband ate and we would give them away to friends, neighbors and family who brought us cartons.

Sorry so long but I wanted to give as much background as possible on the parents and whatnot. All are healthy ducks. We’re in Ponchatoula for those interested. My brother-in-law knows someone with land willing to take them but he’s got no experience with ducks, only chickens and I just don’t have a good feeling.

Thanks for taking the time to read
[email protected]
Sorry to hear of your plight. A more current thread from Louisiana is " Louisiana "la-yres"peeps ". Most of the people seem to be from the Baton Rouge area. Good luck.
Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to iníciate a new post. My hen hasn’t been eating for a week. (Obviously she is eating something or she’s be dead, but VERY little and I think she will die if I can’t figure this out). I brought her inside about four days ago in a wire dog kennel so I can exactly see her poop and what’s she’s eating. Her poop is very watery and white and hasn’t really changed. I attached a photo after it dried a little. I have offered these things just to get her to eat: ground her pellets and wet, chick food, dried soldier flies, mashed cooked yams, yogurt, arugula, spinach, rice, cooked chicken, cooked eggs, raw eggs. I added sav-a-chick to her water with probiotics and electrolytes. She’s not eating. She leans in like she will eat it then doesn’t. I tried the possible vets to have her poop analyzed. No luck. No obvious worms in her poop. Not egg bound. Not sour crop. Her crop has been empty since I discovered this a week ago.
Sorry, I couldn’t figure out how to iníciate a new post. My hen hasn’t been eating for a week. (Obviously she is eating something or she’s be dead, but VERY little and I think she will die if I can’t figure this out). I brought her inside about four days ago in a wire dog kennel so I can exactly see her poop and what’s she’s eating. Her poop is very watery and white and hasn’t really changed. I attached a photo after it dried a little. I have offered these things just to get her to eat: ground her pellets and wet, chick food, dried soldier flies, mashed cooked yams, yogurt, arugula, spinach, rice, cooked chicken, cooked eggs, raw eggs. I added sav-a-chick to her water with probiotics and electrolytes. She’s not eating. She leans in like she will eat it then doesn’t. I tried the possible vets to have her poop analyzed. No luck. No obvious worms in her poop. Not egg bound. Not sour crop. Her crop has been empty since I discovered this a week ago.
I’m sorry this is happening and wish I could offer direct help but I can’t. Have you tried posting it in the Emergencies/disease forum? I’m sure you would get plenty of advice.
Hope she recovers quickly, sending you both hugs :hugs
I am born and raised in South Louisiana ( Lafayette )

Here is a little history lesson about the state Of Louisiana :

FYI: not a joke & not religious. Just interesting stuff about our

A Little Louisiana history lesson

If Hurricane Katrina causing the levees to break in New Orleans is the
only thing you know about Louisiana, here are a few more interesting
facts about the Bayou State :

*Louisiana has the tallest state capitol building in the nation at 450

* The Louisiana SuperDome in New Orleans is the largest enclosed stadium
in the world.

* The Lake Pontchartrain Causeway is the longest over-water bridge in
the world at 23.87 miles.

* Louisiana's 6.5 million acres of wetlands are the greatest wetland
area in America.

* The oldest city in the Louisiana Purchase Territory is Natchitoches,
Louisiana founded in 1714.

* The first bottler of Coca-Cola, Joseph Bie Denharn, lived in Monroe,
Louisiana and was one of the
founders of Delta Air Lines, initially called Delta Air Service.

* Delta Airlines got its start in Monroe, Louisiana when Parish Agent,
C.E. Woolman, decided to try dusting the Boll Weevil that was destroying
the cotton crops in the Mississippi River Delta from an airplane. It was
the first crop dusting service in the world.

* Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana is the largest
predominantly black university in America

* Baton Rouge was the site of the only American Revolution battle
outside the original 13 colonies.

*The formal transfer of the Louisiana Purchase was made at the Cabildo
building in New Orleans on December 20, 1803.

* The staircase at Chritien Point, in Sunset, Louisiana was copied for
Tara in "Gone with the Wind."

* Louisiana is the No. 1 producer of crawfish, alligators and shallots
in America .

* Louisiana produces 24 percent of the nation's salt, the most in America.

* Much of the world's food, coffee and oil pass through the Port of New
Orleans ..

* Tabasco, a Louisiana product, holds the second oldest food trademark
in the U.S. Patent Office.

* Steen's Syrup Mill in Abbeville, Louisiana is the world's largest
syrup plant producing sugar cane syrup.

* America's oldest rice mill is in New Iberia, Louisiana at KONRIKO Co

* The International Joke Telling Contest is held annually in Opelousas,

* LSU (The Ole War Skule) in Baton Rouge has the distinction of
contributing the most officers to WW II after the U.S. Military academies.

* The Louisiana Hayride radio show helped Hank Williams, Elvis Presley
and Johnny Cash achieve stardom. It was broadcast from KWKH Radio in
Shreveport, Louisiana from 1948 to 1960.

* The term Uncle Sam was coined on the wharfs of New Orleans before
Louisiana was a U.S. Territory as goods labeled U.S. Were from "Uncle Sam."

* The game of craps was invented in New Orleans in 1813 as betting was a
common activity on the wharves.

* When states had their own currency, the Louisiana Dix (French for ten)
was a favored currency for trade. English speakers called them Dixies
and coined the term Dixieland.

* New Orleans is the home of the oldest pharmacy in America at 514
Chartres Street in the French Quarter. These early medical mixtures
became known as cocktails (guess they were good for what ails ya?),
Coining yet another term.

* New Orleans is the birthplace of Jazz, the only true American art
form. Jazz gave birth to the Blues and Rock and Roll music.

Viva La Louisiane!!!
Love it and now I love my address even more. I live on N Dixie Ranch so maybe that means my farm is destined to make money. Just kidding but I like the thought. I'm born & raised in LA only left for a bit for school but came right back. 3 of my 4 grandparents spoke French and were from Evangeline Parish, now I live in St. Tammany Parish and we've been here since Katrina so I identify with a lot of what is listed here. Thanks.
Hello all. I was born in Lafayette and live in Eunice. I have Muscovy ducks, black Australorp, and silver laced wyandotte chickens. Muscovys should be laying soon. Any idea what to charge for ducklings these days with sky high egg prices and chick hatcheries raising prices and sold out till summer
Hello all. I was born in Lafayette and live in Eunice. I have Muscovy ducks, black Australorp, and silver laced wyandotte chickens. Muscovys should be laying soon. Any idea what to charge for ducklings these days with sky high egg prices and chick hatcheries raising prices and sold out till summer
Not too far from me, born and raised in lafayette and moved to opelousas 10 years ago

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