Anyone show Barred Rocks?

Well you ask for honesty - and I breed chickens for eggs not to show - but awile back someone posted either here or on the old BYC a picture of a 'real' show BR. Looked nothing like my hatchery BRs. The barring was picture perfect. Maybe Cyn remembers where to find the link. Your chicks look just like my hatchery stock. I think they're fine examples (LOL or else mine wouldn't be) but I don't know about show birds.
Thanks, I certainly appreciate it. The person I got them from 'said' they were show stock...that doesn't 'mean' much, I know, and I'd LOVE to see the one you are referring to if someone could show me.
Gotta go feed the kids,
Oh Boy! I Love these Barred Rock Birds! I hatched some eggs (long story) With the full intention to bring the Chicks back to the farm the eggs came from, when the chicks were old enough, feathered out. Well ONE of the chicks I hatched was a Barred Rock Rooster (I couldn't keep him, I live in the city) I was absolutly inspired by that Beautiful Bird! He Has alot of White too. And the Guy I gave him to calls him "My Little Muscle Man." Well now I have 3 BR Hens and I think they are Great Pet Birds! And they have been consistantly laying eggs for months.....Who knew a year ago I would have a Deluxe Chicken Coop as a Backyard attraction! Ha Go Figure!
Truthfully, if someone says they are from show lines it doesn't mean much. How far back in the lineage was it? Ok so you went to a show, did the birds PLACE well? I know some people will say their birds are show birds if they took them to a small fair or small show, even if they didn't place very well.
Your girls seem to have a lot of black (see how mine has alot more white? She has pretty even bar spacing).
Hey, lets all try to find really good show quality BR breeders together, hah. I've been trying for ages.
I'm going to several shows in January, and there is a Plymouth Rock Fancier's Club meeting there so I'm expecting many breeders to be there, so maybe I'll even be able to buy some nice ones. Either way, I'll take a lot of pictures of the BRs that placed well to show you guys!
Oh, here are just a couple of pictures of good barred rocks, from the Plymouth Rock Fancier's Club website.



I went to take pictures of mine and my camera is dead. I will charge and get you pictures of mine tomorrow. Mine are not perfect but there pretty nice.

I looked at your pictures and would like to see more prominate barring on them. They are blotchy but young. They will do a lot of changing this next 6 months. Remember they're young.

I will take a picture of my 3 month old chicks for you to see too.
The truth is that the crisp, clean barring is not what you'll find on 99% of all Barred Rocks in existence in this country. Here are some I saw at a show I went to, then the last two pics are of my boy previously pictured, who came from Kate's flock, when he was closer to the age of yours:



I was going to get a BR rooster from someone in North Carolina. He told me quite a bit about what he and a friend was doing to breed show quality BR's. He had a rooster he could give me that he said was very good looking but his comb was not show quality. He said it had more than 5 points. He is breeding for combs that have 3 to 5 points to be prefect show quality. Has anyone ever heard of this?
Thank you...I can SEE the difference. I guess the 'wording' had me thinking something. The hen Kanchii posted is AMAZING...I have yet to see any pix like that and my girls CERTAINLY don't look like that. (Trust me, I will still love them) But I really like this breed, and I want to breed for the best, Ideally. Oh, and as soon as I get a better grasp on this, I will be going after Lt. Brahmas & Jersey Giants next LOL. I was going to do Barnevelders..but now I see how much there IS to I'll stick with 3 maybe


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