April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

Welp, I ended up with 7 BLRW, 13 EE(one died several hours after hatching though, so 12), 7 mixed layers, and 6 longtails.
Going to clean the Hatcher out and more go to lockdown tomorrow afternoon!
great hatch
:thumbsup  great hatch
All of those were shipped with the exception of the EE. They were my own flock. 45-50% hatch rate including all the eggs shipped whether they developed at all or not. My own was 100% hatch from the eggs I set but that one didn't survive but about 10 hours. It looked premature when it hatched so I didn't expect much from it.
Well, woke up to 2 more, which appear to be a blue cochin and another buff rock. Grand total of 5 so far. I do believe there will be a few more today, even though it is day 22-23.

Had to throw one egg out as it suddenly developed a green splotch on it. Upon ectopsy it was revealed that it had not developed past the first few days. So hard to tell with these darker brown eggs. Just glad I found it before it exploded. It didn't smell at all, just suddenly looked really ugly.

On a side note, my oldest son told my daughter yesterday that they need to do an intervention. On ME! I calmly explained that just because 5 months ago I had never even HEARD of raising chickens in the city and now have ...

  • 2 laying hens
  • 7 point-of lay-any-minute-now pullets
  • 6 five week olds in the big brooder (I didn't even know what a brooder WAS 6 months ago!)
  • 5 newborn hatched chicks
  • 21 eggs in lockdown
  • 48 eggs set in another incubator
  • and 2 dozen eggs waiting for incubator space to open up

... doesn't mean I have an addiction. It just means I have a hobby for the first time in my life that I actually ENJOY!

My daughter is on MY side and my son doesn't exactly reject the eggs I give him! Besides the grandkids LOVE LOVE LOVE the chickens! Okay, done venting and back to egg watch.

Hee Hee, this is what my DH is afraid of! I am enjoying my chickens so much, and this year I am really getting the itch to hatch more chicks. Luckily for my husband, we are also starting construction on our farm house, then moving to the farm this fall after he retires from the Army, so now is not the best time to load up on chickens. Since we planned on four chicks this summer, and I now have four chicks (store bought) that are 2 weeks old plus four eggs under our broody, I have probably gotten away with enough for a little while :).
By the time hatch day/hour/minute arrived which is right now, 22 of the 84 eggs set hatched. 8 of the eggs were shipped and aren't due till tomorrow.
As luck would have it, the only one I could candle, a white Minorca, apparently wasn't fertile.
Another must have had a crack because when I weighed at 11 days it had lost 34% of it's weight and didn't develop.
That left 82 with only room for about 50 in the hatcher.
What a dummy I am for setting so many at once. I also pedigreed them requiring 16 different batches I had to keep separate and leg band as they came out.
More pipping now. Will keep in touch. I have to go back to leg banding now.

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