April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

That's exactly what I did with my first hatch :) Every time I went to the bathroom, got dressed for the day or bed, felt like I needed to stretch
I would check on the incubator. I tried not to candle before day 10 either but I couldn't resist. I made it 3 days LOL. This time around, I really hope I can wait till day 10. Good luck to you on your first hatch! And even better luck not becoming a hatch-aholic. The only reason I didn't start another hatch immediately after the first was because I was going to be having a human baby a couple months later and still needed to build the new baby coop

Do you only candle on day 10 so the eggs don't get too disturbed? Im only 48 hours in and already want to see but I'm trying to leave them alone!
Do you only candle on day 10 so the eggs don't get too disturbed? Im only 48 hours in and already want to see but I'm trying to leave them alone!
I candle at day 7/14/18, and remove as needed. Out of the ones I have hatching now, I started with 24 eggs, and only 16 made it to lock down.
im hatching 8 chick eggs in my incubator i had to trow 2 away were infertile im not sure of some eggs but in my incubator i no i have 2 silkie eggs one 2 ligth sussex and a maren egg dont no the rest and i have a broody silkie hen sitting on another 7 eggs bougth due to hatch on the 15th april :)
and this is my first hatch and ive candeled my eggs allmost everday did i damage them omg i hope not i wont candel them for a couple of days im on day 9 now :O
and this is my first hatch and ive candeled my eggs allmost everday did i damage them omg i hope not i wont candel them for a couple of days im on day 9 now :O
no jammy you should be fine...do you hand turn everyday? its ok to open the bator-but very little as possible. if you hand turn that will be a good time to sneak a peek at them. but I would watch your temp and humidity closely right after you open the bator when you turn or candle. just try to open mess with eggs as fast as you can. you don't want the eggs to get to cold to fast...
anna-i would leave everything alone till lockdown. I thought I saw 2 that had blood rings but decided to keep them in just in case...they hatched. so I would not give hope on them till lockdown. when and if you do a lockdown in a bator do a sniff and look really good for any and all development, if it is really hard to see in the eggs-all you see is black mass then there is a chick in there. if the eggs actually glows then toss...if you put a bad egg in the bator and it starts to rot during lockdown then you can harm all your hatch with bacteria.

the only way I could see anything decent in my eggs from day 14 on is that I put the egg fat end on the light-where the air sac should be and kinda held it to the side-then I could see the chick. so to see the difference and to know what you are looking for look for the air sac-it will glow, if your eggs glow toss them before lockdown. black dark mass then you have a winner!!
yep... I can see dark masses in 5 of them and those are the ones I kept.... one was see through and two looked like I could just see the yoke and it still glowed, and I tosses them but the other 5 are 50-60% dark masses :) I have them under a broody hen and she covers them all :) I will probably not candel again till about 5 days prior to hatch date if at all...
anna-please keep us all updated...I am anxious to try out a broody too. my first experience wasn't a success, but I am willing to try again. I am so happy for you to see development in your eggs-I just about peed my pants the first time I saw the development in mine!!! I just love seeing all the hard work-working.
So I couldn't help myself and candled again (Day 6). Last time I could only tell two that looked like they were veining and a whole lot I wasn't sure if they were blood rings or what. This time it looked like of the 26 eggs there were 13 veining, 1 blood ring, 6 clears, and 6 I still can't tell by candling because of shell color. So excited!

I also put in local eggs sold for eating at the grocery store - they are big and deep brown, so pretty. I figured I'd add them as a cheap experiment and to fill up my incubator so I don't buy more eggs
Worst case scenario I spent 6 bucks to satisfy my curiosity.

Time passes so slowly when you are waiting!

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