April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

My hatch is complete! Frodo had a severe underbite and didn't hatch, but that's ok because I have 32 beautiful babies who will be vaccinated and going to their homes in a few days ^_^

Final tally:

53 eggs set
4 clears
4 blood rings
1 early quitter
9 late quitters (a few malpositions (caused by egg shape, aircell position, and chance), pipped through blood vessel, failed to zip, beak deformity, and unknown)
1 that will probably need to be culled due to skull deformity
1 healthy fully assisted baby!

I'll be doing a photoshoot of the babies later today but here are a few more from yesterday.

A male and female Euskal Oiloa (male on left)

And the final eggshell photo of all the eggs that hatched in the order they hatched

Love the egg line up! And those fuzz butts are adorable!
My hatch is complete! Frodo had a severe underbite and didn't hatch, but that's ok because I have 32 beautiful babies who will be vaccinated and going to their homes in a few days ^_^

Final tally:

53 eggs set
4 clears
4 blood rings
1 early quitter
9 late quitters (a few malpositions (caused by egg shape, aircell position, and chance), pipped through blood vessel, failed to zip, beak deformity, and unknown)
1 that will probably need to be culled due to skull deformity
1 healthy fully assisted baby!

I'll be doing a photoshoot of the babies later today but here are a few more from yesterday.

A male and female Euskal Oiloa (male on left)


They don't believe me on the Basque thread when I tell them the brown ones are pullets and the yellow one are cockerels.
I put new batteries into my little led flashlight and re-candled. I saw movement in at least two and dark masses in all the others. I think egg 5 and egg 9 may not be developing much They have a smaller mass. I will leave them alone now until next Monday when they go into lockdown. It is so hard to keep my hands off. These are all just mutt eggs from my mixed flock with a BJG roo but this is my first time hatching and I am already addicted. Wish me luck.
God Luck on your hatch! I am hatching for my second time and I love it too! Mine are also mixed.
My hatch is complete! Frodo had a severe underbite and didn't hatch, but that's ok because I have 32 beautiful babies who will be vaccinated and going to their homes in a few days ^_^

Final tally:

53 eggs set
4 clears
4 blood rings
1 early quitter
9 late quitters (a few malpositions (caused by egg shape, aircell position, and chance), pipped through blood vessel, failed to zip, beak deformity, and unknown)
1 that will probably need to be culled due to skull deformity
1 healthy fully assisted baby!

I'll be doing a photoshoot of the babies later today but here are a few more from yesterday.

A male and female Euskal Oiloa (male on left)

And the final eggshell photo of all the eggs that hatched in the order they hatched

They are so adorable!!!!!
Got a turkey chick this morning, active and noisy. Two more have pipped waiting on the rest to show activity (6 total were set and due to hatch on the 10th)

, also have one goose egg in there.
the problem I have is that I am not sure what these are..they could be Bourbon Reds, or a cross with a Holland white or a narragansett..very interesting, but as we are just going for dinner birds here, it's not a problem and they will be treated well and have a good life until then. All the birds are fed well, and get treats..the turkeys are the funniest about treats and make the most noise. But run gracefully..unlike some of the hens with the pantiloon feathered legs who are the most fun to watch run across the yard to get in on the teats.
the problem I have is that I am not sure what these are..they could be Bourbon Reds, or a cross with a Holland white or a narragansett..very interesting, but as we are just going for dinner birds here, it's not a problem and they will be treated well and have a good life until then. All the birds are fed well, and get treats..the turkeys are the funniest about treats and make the most noise. But run gracefully..unlike some of the hens with the pantiloon feathered legs who are the most fun to watch run across the yard to get in on the teats.

They look a lot like my bronze turkey chicks :)
I feel so far behind! I am only on what day 4???? OMG a lifetime to wait>???

I am sooo stuck to the incubator already and I am itching where the feathers are starting to grow through my skin!!!!!! - I am turning into a broody hen! yikes!!!!!


I set on Friday at 12:30 ish pm so I am right there with you! I think as long as we don't actually sit on the incubator we are still sane. :)
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Candled before lock-down, looks like 3 of my remaining 9 eggs are behind on development, of those 3, 2 may be early quitters but one had definite movement... one looked yucky with irregular splotchy dark and clear towards the pointy side but a large dark mass in the middle. For shipped eggs the air cells look pretty good and stable at this point sooooo my question is:

Those of you who have hatched shipped eggs do you hatch in the crate or on their sides and what do you see as pros and cons? I will officially lock down at 8pm tonight so I have not yet made up my mind. I keep reading conflicting information (which of course is because we all live in different areas and have different scenarios for hatching) and I am conflicted on what is best. What has worked best for you, in your opinion/experience?

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