April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

Well so far only 5 chicks 1 black?, 1 polish banty, 2 RIR, and 1 leghorn!! Okay quick
question. Ho often can they be picked up???? I just want to put them in my pocket and take them everywhere. They are so cute!!!! My polish one is just so sweet and very protective. Everytime I
try to pet one of the other chicks he or she tries to get in my way. Too cute
Well so far only 5 chicks 1 black?, 1 polish banty, 2 RIR, and 1 leghorn!! Okay quick
question. Ho often can they be picked up???? I just want to put them in my pocket and take them everywhere. They are so cute!!!! My polish one is just so sweet and very protective. Everytime I
try to pet one of the other chicks he or she tries to get in my way. Too cute
HI, I carry my Serama chicks in my top pocket...........especially if there is only one.
Just need to be warm.I go to the store ect...........
Well, the chick that hatched about an hour ago has a big red blob hanging out of her tush, just like the one that died earlier. This one is feisty though, not weak like the other one. Is there any hope that it will retract back into her system with no repercussions?
I've heard of chickens making it after being hatched with some of the yolk on the outside. The one that I had the other day had the yolk hanging by a string from its navel so I could just cut it off. You should leave the chick in a clean confined space until the navel dries up. It can be wise to disinfect the navel area a couple of times a day to avoid infection. Hope it makes it!
Well, my April 14th chicks are coming along nicely. I now have 8 great looking little Golden Seabrights! One little freak has absolutely no tail, but we shall see what happens.
Ooohm what a beautiful young bird! Can't believe how fast they grow
Don't give up yet! With no pips it is safe ti try candling again. My first ever hatch didn't go until day twenty six. I was ready to give up but candled and saw movement so I waited a little longer.

Yeah sometimes they take longer depending on the breed ( Marans can take their time!) We have not stopped the eggs yet. DH wants to wait till Wednesday which will be the full week after they were due to hatch. Mainly because we had hatches on day 27/28 before. Usually this scewed hatching is due to fluctuating temps and low humidity. Though we didn;t get great hatches. Both surviving chicks needed a deal of attention and help. Such as hatch intervention.

Had to leave the newly hatched chick this morning to drive to Meyer Hatchery to pick up my order of two Started Easter Egger Pullets. bad news when I returned home, as the newly hatched Silver Penciled Plymouth Rock had not only gotten its foot stuck between the wire, but had managed to pull out its innards, probably getting umbilical cord stuck on something. I held it softly as it passed, and was really upset with myself. Should have cut new soft mesh for on top of the wire!

The second hatchling of the day (that makes 6 total, with 5 still alive), is napping, and truthfully I think that one looks a bit peaked too. Time will tell. Candles a few of the 2 dozen still in there and did hear some heartbeats. Pulled out 3 that were duds, too. No marans have hatched at all, so I am leaving everything in there for at least 48 to 72 hours more.

Yeah it is sad when that happens. We had one from the broody last time did the same thing. But I think she stood on him because it looked like he got a bit squished on the back end posible leg break. DH dispatched it - nothing could be done.
We were sad. It could have been born with innards out - some folk have gently put them back inside a superglued the wound. But of course with other issues not possible. Anyhow under a hen was not the most sanitory of places. Best put to sleep. DH is good with babies. He did purs in warm water and wrapped in a warm flannel. So it was like being back inside the egg. It was very quick and he was able to hold it and stroke it all the time. We were very upset but had to be done. In the end it is just taking the O2 away whatever method you use I think it needs to be quick kind and something you can handle emotionally. It is not easy to dispatch a baby for anyone. These things happen though sorry you lost him/her

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Another late april hatchling! This is the yellow one that hatched yesterday evening. He/she went out to the others in the coop this morning, navel fully dried and pecking away at anything he/she saw! This is my fav chick so far, and I'm totally crossing my fingers that it's a pullet! Named it Caroline Forbes. Lol.

Woke up to a Light Sussex hatchling on Day 23 today. The Silver penciled Rock that hatched yesterday morning with the umbilical issue is still running around like nothing is the matter. Time will tell with that one.

Leaving all of the other eggs in there for a few more days. Most are Marans and am told they can be up to a week late. I don't hear heartbeats though.

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