April Hatch Thread--Come Join Us!

Question? Where did you get your Breeze eggs. someone asked me to incubate theirs for them of course I am gladly but I would like my own. Have you ever had a problem with eggs hatching early? I am going crazy have been hatching eggs year round and the last 2 batches are all hatching between day 17 and 19 not even givng me time to put them in the hatcher. Today I came home to 12 healthy happy cochins chirping away in the incubator going for a ride as it rotates could have been tragic though I was lucky (day 18). The night before I happen to catch the jungle foul hatching early with only one in the incubator so I was able to quickly throw all the eggs in the hatcher (day 17). After todays mad dash to make sure all chicks were safe I happened to notice two chicks hatching on eggs I was alittle lazy to dispose of in the hatcher lol they hatched healthy and just fine day 25 (salmon farvorells) I am so confused as to what is happening. Any clues?
Another nap.another two chicks.
They seem to be doing better without me...........
OK woke up this am 2 ready for brooder an the other ZIPPING around and Pipping so sweetly .
Man i have to say ZANNA i never expected the Marans to o this well I only wanted 6 hens LMAO

I am hyped about this Hatch Off to bed 2:03 am An Tomarrow is the Day for them to be born .

I o not have a clue why you ladies get so excited over the hatches i mean Ive been up till 2 am everyday for 21 days and only go to bed when i know mark will be up in 3 hrs to turn the eggs I have a Huge read note that says


He now understands Lock Down ... Sorry all D key needs Cleaned
Sorry to hear about your chick. I don't know how people keep them from rupturing their own yolk until it is absorbed when they already have such sharp little claws. But 100% hatch rate
?! I'd be doing a happy dance too
They were all eggs from my own flock, so I guess that's why they all hatched so well for me. Setting shipped eggs as soon as they arrive this week, not having as high hopes for those
i have 1 external pip at 6:25 this am.. not another so that is 2.. and the second one has a whole in it already.. just beginning day 21..
I keep my eggs in till day 25............Have a big hatch right now that was due Friday...started last night...............
Even with a hen, they do not always hatch on the same day..good Luck
my first hatch i didnt have pips till day 25, if they are running late it usually due to lower temp.
Okay we day 21 almost over here. No more pipps, Hear some peeps but cant tell if it the two that hatched or one of the other eggs. My girlfriend says they look bad and to take them out of the bator but the last one came into the world at 8:30am only been about 11 hrs now. was going to wait and take them out in the am. feathers look a bit damp still to me and I'm trying to get the brooders temp to level out at about 95. I just raise the heat lamp up some more may have to raise it again before I go to bed.

I should leave them in the bator untill atleast tomorrow morning right? Alittle input would be great.

If their sisters don't hatch in the next 3 days I will have about a 95% mortality rate. was probably my humiditiy and I understand the dark eggs thing. I have brown eggs and cannot tell if they were fertial or not.

Thanks for all the post's on the forums, you all have been very insightful. Well I have my next set starting to go into the bator once this set is finished. I am trying to get this years flock started. I'm going to do a cycle 1yr/2yr/3yr and cycle them through after the 3rd year. maybe don't know if the soon to be wife will let me.
But I'm doing this for a small income sell the eggs and for a food suppliment after year 3. heard that in year 3 the egg production drops way off. Right now I have 16 girls for 1 roo and 1 roo for the next set of 16 girls. will be about a year difference between second set and second roo but I think it will be ok any thoughts on that as well?
leave in incubator till dried.. are your vents open, and also a chick can live up to 3 days without food or water.. thats why they ship chick right after they hatch..
give your eggs atleast till day 26 to hatch..
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Good luck Naglady!! I'm in the same situation - just waiting... and waiting. I started out with 24 French Copper Marans in the bator, down to 15 that I was sure about - day 24 and nothing yet. I've got more eggs coming from a reputable breeder, so if these don't hatch by the time they arrive in a day or two, I'm gonna give up on them.

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