Araucana Chick


7 Years
Jan 13, 2018
Just wanted to share a picture of an Araucana chick we purchased last Monday from a breeder who we got the fertile Silverudd Blue eggs from. This is the first we had Araucana. I have read that Araucana with face feather on both sides are difficult to hatch. Well after 7 days it looks like we have one who is going to have them. They are fuzz now but definitely there. I cannot wait for it to mature. The black Araucana we got with it does not have them but is a character. Likes to jump on top of the brooder plate and chirp. My office sounds like a bunch of bad grocery carts rolling around. LOL


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Just walked back in my office to hear a bunch of racket in the brooder box and sure enough the black Araucana was on top of the brooder plate along with a Barred Rock (second in command) chirping up a storm. It is as though they are calling for a revolt. The Araucana started out all shy and now it acts like it is the leader of the box. Their personalities do show even as chicks.
It is cute. It is not the chick having face feathers on both sides of its face that is the problem. It is if you breed a male with face feathers to a female with face feathers (or if both parents carry the gene for face feathering) that there can be a problem and the resulting chicks can die before hatching. It's called a lethal, or deadly, gene. So you don't want to breed together Araucanas with the gene for face feathering on both parents' sides. Yeah, it's easy to misunderstand!
It is cute. It is not the chick having face feathers on both sides of its face that is the problem. It is if you breed a male with face feathers to a female with face feathers (or if both parents carry the gene for face feathering) that there can be a problem and the resulting chicks can die before hatching. It's called a lethal, or deadly, gene. So you don't want to breed together Araucanas with the gene for face feathering on both parents' sides. Yeah, it's easy to misunderstand!

Thank you for that information. I will make sure to note that as I do not want to cause unnecessary losses. By looking at the two I have I believe they are both hens but I could be wrong. If that is true I will have to find a rooster. I know I can get one from the breeder that sold me the two chicks.

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