Are all chickens the same?

Hah if I started talking to mine one of my first chickens cookie she looks like a barred rock but when I got her had a polish looking crown every time I go in there and talk she squats cant count how many times I've almost kicked her stepped on her or straight went flying to dodge tripping over her I call her my blonde chicken.

She used to get picked on and not care until I got my easter Eggers everyone picks on them again except for the delewares :idunno they have to be my chillest calmest birds besides my brahmas
Oh that's cute. I had one that did that every time I said eggs she would squat if she was within ear shot. It was a riot. The best what I've found to get chummy with shy birds is over a pint.... of blueberries that is. Even my roosters will eat those right out of my hand.

Oh yea it's a different story when I go In with bread! I have flying chickens jumping chickens chickens yelling at chickens everyone is my friend with food till it's gone lol

But now that I know chickens stuff their faces before they Go to bed I'll be looking at that spot a little differently now. And not necessarily jump to groping a chicken
I handled mine a lot since they were like 2 days old.
They are sweet I can bend down and pick any of them up.
You can work with them to get them friendly or docile once you’ve got them. It takes time.
I promised myself that I would invest the time. It really does pay off if it fits your lifestyle.
Couldn’t imagine what I do if I had a large amount of birds. Guess I’d have to sleep in the coop or something lol
I have a lot of birds and it can be challenging but their all different ages and for the most part can handle all them no problem.... except shawn hes a pecker head and is so afraid of me. Which is ridiculous cuz I am so nice. Then his brother guster is having a love affair with my left foot... nasty little booger

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