Are Buff Orpington roosters nice like the hens?

There's no way to give a straight answer. It is based off how the bird is raised, mostly. They are all individuals and have their own personalities.
I had three BO cockerel. Two I had to dispatch at 4 months for terrorizing the pullets. The third was... ok. Good with the girls, but challenged me a lot. I did not miss him when he died.
I ended up with 15 after ordering a bunch of straight runs which was fine because I have a separate area specifically for meat chickens. Personality wise it was a crap shoot just like any other breed. Some were fine, some were neither nice nor mean and some got butchered immediately after they tried to attack. The one day I went into the rooster pen while I thought they were all outside. I was adding feed to their feeders and refilling waters. One managed to get up on the nesting box and I did not notice him at first. He flew right for my face, I caught him mid air and he got marched straight to the butcher cone. I do not fight my roosters, hit them or kick them. If they want to attack the hand that is feeding them then they become food on the spot.
I ended up with 15 after ordering a bunch of straight runs which was fine because I have a separate area specifically for meat chickens. Personality wise it was a crap shoot just like any other breed. Some were fine, some were neither nice nor mean and some got butchered immediately after they tried to attack. The one day I went into the rooster pen while I thought they were all outside. I was adding feed to their feeders and refilling waters. One managed to get up on the nesting box and I did not notice him at first. He flew right for my face, I caught him mid air and he got marched straight to the butcher cone. I do not fight my roosters, hit them or kick them. If they want to attack the hand that is feeding them then they become food on the spot.
Thank you. I'm hoping to get a nice or at least tolerable older one. If not I'll raise a couple of chicks that have been sex and are either close to or ready for the run. I'm planning on free ranging and would like the man of the coop take care of his girls. If any turn out bad, well I love fried chicken. My coop has a shortest run on each side so I can separate for a while or should I put straight in with the hens?

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