Are chipmunk chicks that develop black breast feathers always cockerels?

Looks like a girl to me so far. Where did you here that the chick developing black meant it was a boy?

There is a big sexing easter egger thread that gives coloring tips, and says black on the breast is usually a cockerel clue, and I read it within a few other threads too. It's hard to know when the "rules" apply especially when not dealing with purebreds. I actually finally found one "sex my easter eggers" thread with updates where a pullet ended up having a black breast though!

I think in my little chicks case, she is turning out to be a blackish color with some patterned feathers. I plan to post weekly updates!
There is a big sexing easter egger thread that gives coloring tips, and says black on the breast is usually a cockerel clue, and I read it within a few other threads too. It's hard to know when the "rules" apply especially when not dealing with purebreds. I actually finally found one "sex my easter eggers" thread with updates where a pullet ended up having a black breast though!

I think in my little chicks case, she is turning out to be a blackish color with some patterned feathers. I plan to post weekly updates!
What I've heard is that cockerels will have splashy, chaotic feather patterns and will have red on the breast, shoulders, and wings. Yours looks like she's growing in some nice, neatly patterned feathers to me. Weekly updates is a great idea!!!!!
What I've heard is that cockerels will have splashy, chaotic feather patterns and will have red on the breast, shoulders, and wings. Yours looks like she's growing in some nice, neatly patterned feathers to me. Weekly updates is a great idea!!!!!
Red on the wings is always a good indicator. Here is one of my ameraucanas (I know he's not an EE, but doing him as an example)

Here is Blue who is a rooster I used to have. If you look at his wings he has very big red splotches.
So with the holidays I got busy and never got around to uploading new pics or updating. But shortly after creating this post we just decided to send her feathers off for DNA sexing to be sure. Well, she is infact a she! :wee:celebrate Her sister ( or maybe half-sister) came back a pullet as well and the two of them are the sweetest, friendliest pair of the bunch. Will be uploading pictures incase anyone is curious how her patterning has panned out. Her comb is still super tiny too.
So with the holidays I got busy and never got around to uploading new pics or updating. But shortly after creating this post we just decided to send her feathers off for DNA sexing to be sure. Well, she is infact a she! :wee:celebrate Her sister ( or maybe half-sister) came back a pullet as well and the two of them are the sweetest, friendliest pair of the bunch. Will be uploading pictures incase anyone is curious how her patterning has panned out. Her comb is still super tiny too.
So do you have those pictures then? ;) Curious to see what she ended up looking like. Such an interesting color.
P.S. I have a chipmunk chick currently sprouting black breast feathers and it's really throwing me off, because the comb and wattles look very female at this point (4 weeks) but the black breast is really worrying me. So that's how I found your thread.

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