Are ducks more or less work than chickens?

If you have a water porch they are easier than chickens. Chickens are incredibly dusty, ducks aren’t. But they are messy with water… unless you have a water porch. The water porch is a mesh floored porch off their coop. All water is kept in it so when they spill it all drains away.
My muscovy are free range. They still mess up the water buckets daily, and they do roost, so they can leave piles that are slippery when stepped in. I did keep mallard based ducks many years ago. They were about the same degree of messiness because they were confined to a run. It does depend on how you keep them. Where I just keep chickens I can just top off the water buckets. With ducks I have to dump and wash them daily.
I think the big thing is water, and it really depends then on where you live. I change my water buckets a couple times a day. If they are out in the yard in their tractor, they will dig holes with their beaks all around the bucket and turn the water to mud within an hour. It's hard on the yard that way, so unless you have a huge space, consider that. My ducks have a little pond in their enclosed run and I drain and refill that every day because they swim in it all the time and it gets dirty fast. I don't think it's really fair to ducks to not allow them something for swimming. That's how they keep clean and it's what they love the most. My ducks are clean because they have access to swimming, but they love playing in mud and making mud because they're going for whatever bugs are under the grass. As long as you can protect them and understand the challenges the water brings and can provide them with clean water, you're good to go. I did read initially that they were hardier and more healthy than chickens, when I was deciding between ducks and chickens, but I have had plenty of medical issues, and you always need to be checking their feet for bumblefoot. But if you have the time and energy to provide a happy life for them, they are wonderful! I love my ducks so much!
It depends on your set up My ducks are easier than my chickens. Mine take themselves to the pond daily. They come to the pen each night where they eat (I provide nipple waterers in the night pen). My night pen is grass with a couple shelters.
Ducks need their water replenished daily. My chickens' waterer can last longer (depending on the season). It takes me about 30 min per day to clean both the chicken and the duck area. I like to tidy up daily. My birds are mainly in a run due to predators in the area. So, I would say with my set up, ducks can be messier, but it's not too much more than chickens just a different type of mess. I use the pelleted bedding as well and it makes clean up much easier.
I have a large mixing tub (and also use a trough during the summer, but believe it or not, they prefer the tub) for my ducks to swim in and clean that out at least once a week - every two days during the hotter months. They get fresh water everyday in regular rubber feed tubs.
The stinkiest part (besides their poo) is that they like to mix food, dirt, and water. That mixture will stink if it sets too long in their water or on the ground near their water.
The 5 females to one male is an exaggeration. I imagine it is on the "worst case" end of the spectrum. It really depends on your ducks. I have 2 males and 5 females and everyone is happy.

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