Are my 1 month old Salmon Faverolles Pullets or Roos?

x5 Keesmom Aren't there other color of faverolles? I remember hearing about mahogany colored ones. I know hatchery ones can be weird colors also.
I will keep everyone updated for sure. I got the from Freehlings Farm in PA. I am not sure where he got them from. He told me yesterday they are not from show quality stock so they are going to be darer than normal. He also said a little more and I'll know if hens or roos.
yes, I got them October 20th! :) They look older than they really are. They seem MUCH bigger than a month old too! I feel they are going to be HUGE Faverolles!

They do seem to be very big chicks. By the feathering I would say they are 2-3 weeks old, but I've never raised favs, so what would I know.
They are very pretty chicks, did you get them from a breeder or a hatchery? Definitely post undated pictures in a few weeks, and hopefully by than we should be able to give you more accurate guesses. Good luck with your flock!
I will keep everyone updated for sure. I got the from Freehlings Farm in PA. I am not sure where he got them from. He told me yesterday they are not from show quality stock so they are going to be darer than normal. He also said a little more and I'll know if hens or roos.

I don't know who that is.

As for pullet color, the shade of salmon can range from pale to dark. All are acceptable though a solid shade from head to tail is what you are looking for, along with a clean beard and front. Maybe by darker he means flecks in the beard and chest?

It will be interesting to see what the second one looks like when it matures. Off colored pullet or extremely light cockerel.

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