Are my hens sick

This isn’t molting


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The barred rock looks to be molting. With shorter days of light right now, hens may not start laying again until after the start of the year to Feb. when days become longer again. With as many birds as you have, I would put out at least 2 feeders and waterers minimum. One could be a flat pan (for water) that cannot be easily turned over.
The barred rock looks to be molting. With shorter days of light right now, hens may not start laying again until after the start of the year to Feb. when days become longer again. With as many birds as you have, I would put out at least 2 feeders and waterers minimum. One could be a flat pan (for water) that cannot be easily turned over.
The barred rock looks to be molting. With shorter days of light right now, hens may not start laying again until after the start of the year to Feb. when days become longer again. With as many birds as you have, I would put out at least 2 feeders and waterers minimum. One could be a flat pan (for water) that cannot be easily turned over.
The barred rock was hatched April 14 this year and is bleeding from the patch of missing feathers
Everything that you have described sounds like molting. The bleeding is most likely from them feather eating. Chickens will pluck and eat each others feathers to increase their protein especially common when molting. Switching them to a lower protein as you mentioned while molting also often increases the chance of feather eating. For your barred rock even though he was hatched in April they go through another juvenile molt when they are 8-9 months which is what you are seeing.
Just a question, what about salmonella? Could your flock have an infection going on? The symptoms are: diarrhea, loss of appetite, decreased egg production, lethargy, drooping wings and tails. This was from a quick Google search, so a deeper dive might show the symptoms don't fit.
Just a question, what about salmonella? Could your flock have an infection going on? The symptoms are: diarrhea, loss of appetite, decreased egg production, lethargy, drooping wings and tails. This was from a quick Google search, so a deeper dive might show the symptoms don't fit.
Maybe but there is no loss of appetite i feed them 1/2 a cup per bird and they all have full crops after feeding so i know they eat good. They just seem sad and are missing feathers on the backs of their neck. I sprayed the whole coop down with permitherin last week when I cleaned out the coop

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