are porcupines a problem too?


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 9, 2012
so we know skunks, raccoons, foxes, coyotes, hawks, dogs, cats... will potentially kill a chicken...

we have a LOT of porcupines here this year, are they a threat too?
I only named those ones above because it's all we have in my area that could go for the birds, I'm sure there are plenty more predators out there though! I hear possums are bad for chickens, so glad I don't have to worry about those!

Oh wait, could toads be an issue? would the chickens peck at them and maybe get some of their toxin into them???
Porcupines won't eat your birds or your eggs. They will slap your dogs in the face and cause huge vet bills.

They will also chew the bark off your trees and sometimes kill the trees.

Toads are only an issue if you have some of the poisonous varieties in your area. Normally, chickens will taste and decide the toads don't taste good and leave them alone.
If you are noticing a lot of porcupines you might want to be on the lookout for fishers. I live about an hour from you and we have had a lot of porcupines, and we also killed a fisher this year. Fishers are the only natural predator to a porcupine.
oh, that's good to know! gonna have to google what a fisher is though :/

thanks for the info!
oh, that's good to know! gonna have to google what a fisher is though :/

thanks for the info!

A fisher (fisher cat) is not something you want anywhere near your chickens. They are pretty tough critters and have been known to kill other predators, even. You are likely in their native range. They are not overly common, but it's true that they predate on porcupines!
Make sure your coop is secure at night with no way for small critters to wiggle in. Hardware cloth is your friend, here!

Here's a link to get you started.
A fisher (fisher cat) is not something you want anywhere near your chickens. They are pretty tough critters and have been known to kill other predators, even. You are likely in their native range. They are not overly common, but it's true that they predate on porcupines!
Make sure your coop is secure at night with no way for small critters to wiggle in. Hardware cloth is your friend, here!

Here's a link to get you started.
Think of a weasel or mink on steroids that can climb like a squirrel and kill a full grown raccoon. On the bright side, they tend to be people shy and are not binge killers. They prefer to stick close to cover so clear around your coop. If they take a bird, they'll likely drag it far away and not be back for a few days. They are quite easy to trap (and the pelts are luxurious and valuable).

Porcupines are no threat to your birds but they love to chew on lumber and can do an amazing amount of damage to buildings in one night. They will also de-bark your trees in winter, especially maples when the sap starts flowing. Look for stripped branches near the crown.
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thanks for all the info, you guys are awesome! We are new to this area, and straight out of the big city, so we're still learning about the local country wild life... gonna do everything i can to keep my flock safe!

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