1st, I have to say: I love this website! It's at least as helpful and interesting for folks new into raising chickens as the BeeForum is for us beekeepers.
Now: I plan to construct, with a pro's help, a "minimalist coop" from specs I saw in the "Dummies" book -- which appears to coincide completely with one featured on Growing a Greener World. I noticed, though, that the specs don't feature a roost for the birds, and the nesting boxes (is there a better term for those?) are situated on the floor. Per one forum response, the birds don't care for being that close to the "ground" [coop floor]. And are roosts really mandatory? I didn't see a feature whereby I could easy-access the nests for removing eggs -- I'd have to squeeze into the coop for the harvest.
Any ideas/concepts/experiences-to-relate would be appreciated.....
Now: I plan to construct, with a pro's help, a "minimalist coop" from specs I saw in the "Dummies" book -- which appears to coincide completely with one featured on Growing a Greener World. I noticed, though, that the specs don't feature a roost for the birds, and the nesting boxes (is there a better term for those?) are situated on the floor. Per one forum response, the birds don't care for being that close to the "ground" [coop floor]. And are roosts really mandatory? I didn't see a feature whereby I could easy-access the nests for removing eggs -- I'd have to squeeze into the coop for the harvest.
Any ideas/concepts/experiences-to-relate would be appreciated.....