I would love to see your opinion on this topic. Are satins silkies? I will put my opinion.
No, satins are not silkies. So I find it misleading to call them such. Yes, they may have 5 toes and a head crest and come from a silkie parent, but that does not make them a silkie.
How I think of it is that them being called a silkie (despite being a mix of a silkie and a cochin) is like me selling one of my Buff Orpington × Buckeye mixes as Buff Orpingtons because they have the same build and color of a Buff Orpington. No, it is a barnyard mix. Not an Orpington or a Buckeye. So a satin should not be called a silkie. It is a silkie mix.
If you are breeding satins in a silkie flock, then you do not have a pure silkie flock. I wouldn't put a Legbar mix into my Legbar flock and then sell those babies as Legbars. If I did, I know people would get upset. So why is there a different rule for Satins?
All this being said, I am not saying I dislike satins. They are cute, that is for sure. I just don't think they belong to be identified as true silkies. Or be put in a pure silkie breeding flock.
No, satins are not silkies. So I find it misleading to call them such. Yes, they may have 5 toes and a head crest and come from a silkie parent, but that does not make them a silkie.
How I think of it is that them being called a silkie (despite being a mix of a silkie and a cochin) is like me selling one of my Buff Orpington × Buckeye mixes as Buff Orpingtons because they have the same build and color of a Buff Orpington. No, it is a barnyard mix. Not an Orpington or a Buckeye. So a satin should not be called a silkie. It is a silkie mix.
If you are breeding satins in a silkie flock, then you do not have a pure silkie flock. I wouldn't put a Legbar mix into my Legbar flock and then sell those babies as Legbars. If I did, I know people would get upset. So why is there a different rule for Satins?
All this being said, I am not saying I dislike satins. They are cute, that is for sure. I just don't think they belong to be identified as true silkies. Or be put in a pure silkie breeding flock.