Are Sebrights mean?

princess araucana

11 Years
Nov 18, 2008
Rhode Island
I have a chance to buy 2 one week old pullets and am really tempted to get them! But I feel like I read how they are a little aggressive and standoff-ish?
They would be my first bantams joining 5 one and two yr old hens. I think they are beautiful but I want nice birds!
Any thoughts?
Mine have NEVER been aggressive, other than being reintroduced to the flock from the Fair or if they would come into contact with some of my other younger birds who were free ranging (with supervision) with them. I currently have 2 hens and a rooster. I recently lost one hen to a cold spell. Each has their own personality and their place in the pecking order will be dependent on that. I think they would be a great addition to your flock. They may be a little scared and flighty, but once they get to know you things will be ok. They don't like to cuddle as much, but mine tolerate me picking them up. Be careful, as they can fly really well. So far that's not a problem with mine. Just be sure to keep them separate from the older hens until they are fully grown.
I agree with the above poster. They aren't as cuddly and they are flighty. They seem a little high strung at times, but they are good sweet natured birds.
My golden laced young hen will always come up to me when I go in the coop and she will tap me with her beak on wherever she can reach with my coat tails being her favorite. She's very curious. I can stroke her but she's not into being picked up. Will eat out of my hand and will "talk" in little cluck-cluck noises when I engage her with attention



Here she is looking up as I come into the coop. She's on the far left. She just molted her beautiful tail so she looks a little odd
Uniquely her name is "sebrite" LOL
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Bantams have long held a reputation for being on the nasty side -- Little Man's Syndrome or Napolean Complex.

I'd say it is like anything else -- some are snotty and some are sweet. Your chances on a nasty bantam are probably equal to getting a nasty standrad bird.

That's just my opinion,
I definitely wouldn't say they're aggressive. My two are flighty and standoffish, but they're not total freaks or anything, either. They let me approach them and aren't bothered by me, although they don't care for being pursued or handled. If you're looking for something to handle a lot, I don't know if I'd recommend them (seramas, OEGBs, silkies, and cochins are better for that), but if you just want some nice, pretty birds for your flock, I say go for it! They're very striking. They're not more aggressive than any of my other bantams, and do just fine in my large mixed flock.

Also, all chickens have their own personalities, so yours may be calmer than the usual ones. I've heard silver spangled hamburgs are total freaks, extremely loud, and hate being approached by people, but I bought a little hen and she's as sweet as can be! Doesn't mind being picked up at all, very quiet, just a total sweetheart. Just goes to show the generalizations aren't always necessarily the case.

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