Are the gals guys?


In the Brooder
Jul 5, 2024
These 14 week old Ameraucanas are starting to look suspiciously like roosters. Never had roosters before so I could use some expert eyes! No crowing yet but definitely behaving aggressively.

Thank you!

Ooh boy. Definitely roosters. I had an amaraucana rooster years ago; he was pretty aggressive. I could pick him up, but only off of a perch. Also he was huge. He didn’t like other roosters, but he was okayish with the hens.
Yes for sure! I have called local farms and had success with rehoming roosters. Wish like he'll I could have one, but I am sure a neighbor will complain.

Check some local feed stores to see if you can advertise your roosters need for a new home. If all else fails, you could take the rooster to a livestock auction.

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