Are there Remote-Controlled Coop Doors?


5 Years
Apr 11, 2019
So long story short-
As we move, We’ll be turning a pretty big shed into a temporary mini chicken-palace!
However, we’ll be a little bit away from the flock until we’re able to get a proper permanent coop set up with proper surveillance on them.

I was wondering if anyone knows if there’s such a thing as a remote controlled coop door (or, any sort of door opener honestly) that I could open from a few miles away?

Preferably Something that is NOT solar powered as I have several chickens who choose to go inside after the sun has gone down or who like to be tucked into bed who I’d hate to have be locked out.
So long story short-
As we move, We’ll be turning a pretty big shed into a temporary mini chicken-palace!
However, we’ll be a little bit away from the flock until we’re able to get a proper permanent coop set up with proper surveillance on them.

I was wondering if anyone knows if there’s such a thing as a remote controlled coop door (or, any sort of door opener honestly) that I could open from a few miles away?

Preferably Something that is NOT solar powered as I have several chickens who choose to go inside after the sun has gone down or who like to be tucked into bed who I’d hate to have be locked out.
I hope you get an answer!
If you search for automatic chicken doors, for example, on Amazon, what you need to do that is a Wifi or "smart" automatic door. Most aren't.

We just researched them and are debating building our own system or having to purchase 5 of them, but the one we wound up choosing to buy, if we do, is called Run Chicken. That one is popular and programmable but not wifi. You'd set it for auto opening and closing the same time every day.

You could get by a lot cheaper with one without wifi, or the Adori brand has customer service to help install a wifi add-on to theirs. I understand the need to know for a fact those chickens are locked up. We have a wifi camera we'll use (Blink) and if for some odd reason, the doors don't open or shut, we can call a farm neighbor to go open/close them.

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