Are these tapeworm segments?


May 4, 2020
My cuckoo marans has had diarrhea off and on for awhile and of course I didn't poke around in her poo (because that would have been the smart thing) but I wormed them with safeguard for possible gapeworm. (I know, I know .. rare so I didn't think it an issue but I lost my first two chickens ever this week to the same symptoms as gapeworm and the vet suggested it. My last death was sent for a necropsy and waiting on results.)

So now I'm poking through her poo and seeing tons of these little white jelly things. They aren't moving but they look like they could have been alive at a point. Her poop also seems less digested Thoughts? I grabbed some from the Orpington that sleeps next to her and nothing like that inside hers.

Don't worry, I won't use this knife anything else again hahaha


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No movement. They're jelly like consistency.
I wormed 4 days ago and 3 days ago with safeguard (.25 ml/lb so 1.6 ml) and then used 4 ivermectin drops from the vet for light mite problem.
I'd like to see the others weigh in on the things you are seeing.

That dose and length of time of Safeguard will treat Roundworm and Gapeworm.
Tapeworms are treated with Praziquantel.

Never heard of a light mite problem. Repeat your Ivermectin in 10 days. Check that "4 drops" dosing against the dosing in this link.

You have cleaned out your coop/housing and are treating that with Permethrin spray to get rid of the mites right?
They don’t look like tapeworm segments, but I would rather see another picture of droppings. I agree with WO to get rid of the mites. Any mites are bad, and the coop requires treatment. Permethrin 10 spray or Elector PSP are good for coop treatment and for birds. Mites reproduce every 5-7 days, so birds require treatment at those intervals a few times to break the cycle.
I'd like to see the others weigh in on the things you are seeing.

That dose and length of time of Safeguard will treat Roundworm and Gapeworm.
Tapeworms are treated with Praziquantel.

Never heard of a light mite problem. Repeat your Ivermectin in 10 days. Check that "4 drops" dosing against the dosing in this link.

You have cleaned out your coop/housing and are treating that with Permethrin spray to get rid of the mites right?
Deep cleaned everything and DE on the floors and corners and rubbed into the roosts. Can't use permethrin because of the cats and all the stuff gets stored in the house, not willing to risk it. My cat is my life.
I had an elector psp dose that I sprayed everything down with a few months back on my deep clean. I have never seen anything in the coop or on the chickens and I comb them over frequently. They get tons of garlic in their twice weekly scrambled eggs.
The only reason the vet said this because he was ruffling around and a minute later he showed me a tiiiiiiiiny little spider looking thing crawling on his hand. But he didn't see anything on her but said I should treat because the constant head shaking. He gave me the tiny dropper bottle of ivermectin with the directions.

I think before I start dosing more things I'm going to try to get a fecal float done. Thanks for the safeguard information!
They don’t look like tapeworm segments, but I would rather see another picture of droppings. I agree with WO to get rid of the mites. Any mites are bad, and the coop requires treatment. Permethrin 10 spray or Elector PSP are good for coop treatment and for birds. Mites reproduce every 5-7 days, so birds require treatment at those intervals a few times to break the cycle.
I think I'm just going to splurge on a bottle of PSP. A lady here sells off vials from her bottle which has helped in the past. I sprayed the coop on my last deep clean as a preventer.
The thing is, I've never ever seen a mite on them. But when the vet was ruffling her feathers he showed me a little tiiiiiiiny spider like thing crawling on his hand but didn't see any sign on her body. Gave me the ivermectin drops with directions.
The only reason the vet said this because he was ruffling around and a minute later he showed me a tiiiiiiiiny little spider looking thing crawling on his hand. But he didn't see anything on her but said I should treat because the constant head shaking.
A tiny looking spider thing is probably mites.
Most mites live in the coop/housing and come out to feed at night.
If she's got head shaking, then it could be from mites (or lice). Have you looked in her ears?

Getting the PSP and treating both birds and housing is a good idea, if Permethrin is not an option for you. Unfortunately DE doesn't seem to be that effective.

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