This Hen is 6 Months Old and is crossed since our rooster was mixed breed. The breed of our rooster is hard to identify but he was black and Huge.
(Looks to be a Jersy Giant Crossed with Another Chicken)
I found it strange becuase Warren Hens at 6 month really don't have the Crest Feathers and their combs are little bit larger than Our crossed hen at this age.
The Seller never really told us the breed of that Roo so it was definitely a challenge researching the breed.
After Doing more research apparently Some Breeds have crest feather but not Warren Hens and she might have genes of one them.
I was always Thinking maybe she's is young and Hens while their Young Have Feathers Like hers, but iam wrong.
For First Time Keeping poultry it's an experience and Alot to learn.
(Looks to be a Jersy Giant Crossed with Another Chicken)
I found it strange becuase Warren Hens at 6 month really don't have the Crest Feathers and their combs are little bit larger than Our crossed hen at this age.
The Seller never really told us the breed of that Roo so it was definitely a challenge researching the breed.
After Doing more research apparently Some Breeds have crest feather but not Warren Hens and she might have genes of one them.
I was always Thinking maybe she's is young and Hens while their Young Have Feathers Like hers, but iam wrong.
For First Time Keeping poultry it's an experience and Alot to learn.