Are winter chicken eggs viable to incubate


13 Years
May 16, 2011
North Pole, Alaska 99705
Here in West Tennesse, temps are running from 50 down to the teens. Our hens are laying fertile eggs during the day, allowing them to cool to whatever the current day's temp. Are these eggs ok to hatch or, because they were "refridgerated" no viable to incubate?
We have several very active roos. I thought the eggs need to be kept warm to be hatchable
They should be ok as long as they didn’t freeze. Hens will lay a clutch over the course of around a week so it’s normal for them to be at room temp or colder. It’s when you start incubation is when you need to keep them warm. Plus, you can always incubate them now and see if they are viable. If not, just try again with a new clutch

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