Are you a Roo?


12 Years
Jan 22, 2008
Reed City, Michigan
First time raising Buff Orps....8 weeks old
I think it's a roo
Do you thinks so too?
Those wattles remind me of my light brahma roo that we had to say goodbye to. (He was super mean to anyone or thing new to him and was only 10 weeks old).
roosters will start growing combs and wattles early on. sometimes there are late bloomers and it can end up a crap shoot. I have two other orp hens who grew large combs and wattles early, so it was easy enough to call them out, but the other guy, the one in my pic was being sneaky about it.
Well this guy is real friendly and wanders up to me whenever I go in the yard. He's not aggrerssive, just curious. I think he may be kissing up to me, but it won't do him any good.......4th of July barbeque is just around the corner!!

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