Arizona Chickens

I'm so sorry to hear about your chick!

I get my chicks from Mesa Feed on Broadway, just west of Mesa Drive. They are very nice there. You might want to call, they are kind of "catch as catch can" with availability. There is a feed store in East Mesa on I think Main that has chicks, I don't know the name, though, sorry!
Good Luck!
Most of the chickens I have I got from a breeder.

My last 3 were from our local feed store. I don't have an incubator or brooder, so I got the 2 month old pullets.

They have fit into my flock quite well. I would like to get 3 more standard pullets, but right now the feed store has 2 week old chicks, so I need to wait a few more weeks.

Sorry to hear about your loss of your chicken, but I'm sure that wherever you get your next one, you will enjoy it, also.

Good luck.
I am starting a hatch of 32 eggs in two weeks...I live in tucson though...otherwise when they hatch you could have a few.....still not sure what I am going to do with the ones that I don't keep. They go in the bator around march 5 or 6. They are blue rocks, deleware and frizzle....if they hatch

and anyone is interested they are free to a good home.....
Thanks for the advice on Mesa Feed. I called there this week and they were getting in a whole bunch of new chicks. I went yesterday and instead of one or two, I picked up three new chicks, 2 RIRs and 1 BRock. I justified it to my husband that because I had three of the kids with me, we needed three more. So now we have 6 chickens! I guess I caught the chicken bug!
I recently picked up 3- 2mos olds (BO, BR and Red s-link) from our feed store about a month ago. I called last weekend to see if they still had any, but they had 1wk old chicks. I did not go get any, because I need to get a bigger run made, but I came really close.

I always have to justify my chickens to my DH, too. What's up with that?

Anyway, we lost one of my banty RIR hens this last week, and my son wants to know when we can get another one. I've got my son hooked, too. (He has his show birds for 4-H, but he wants a few chickens for eggs, too.)

Good luck with your chickies!!!
I'm in Kingman, AZ, and new to BYC. I already love it! Right now I have only one Aracana hen, a neighbor's dog killed/maimed the rest. We now have a fence around the yard, and the dog thing is going to court, so hopefully that problem is solved. Of course I will be getting more chicks soon, and am modifying the run and building a new henhouse. I really miss them running around the property and getting into everything I try to do,like dig a garden bed, when I used to let them out to forage.
Welcome to BYC sparker..I'm sure you will enjoy it here. There is so much information and many friendly people to answer any questions you may have.....oh and it's just plain fun..if you have a chance check out the chat room..there is always entertainment there.
Welcome to the forum Sparker!!

I have learned so much from this place. It is quite entertaining reading everyone's thoughts, experiences and opinions on certain subjects.

My DH and I just went to Home Depot yesterday and picked up fencing to make an area for my chickens to hang out in. Right now, they are in a converted stable, there is plenty of room, but they don't get out in the sunshine. So, we are putting in a little chicken door so they can come and go as they please during the day, and we can close it during the night to keep them safe.
I can't wait to get started.

So, again, welcome and enjoy yourself
New question, do chickens moult here, and if so , when? And, how early do you put your babies outside when it is as warm as it is here? Mine are warm enough in the house but hopefully, when it gets a little warmer at night, it will be ok to leave them outside. They are stinkin up my room!
Yes, they stink and they get "chick dust" EVERYWHERE. You can definitely keep them outside, mine have been out for 3 weeks now, they would have been on my porch in a big box like the other chicks I have raised except for the stupid neighborhood cats. You just need to make sure they are warm enough at night and can get some shade in the daytime. And lots of water!
Mine are about 7 weeks old and they are outside in my little plywood chicken house with a 60 watt bulb hanging about 2 1/2 feet up and plenty of room for them to get away from it but enough for them to all get more or less under it, too.
Up until yesterday I shut them up at night and opened the door in the morning so they can scratch around under the chicken wire tent I made them that is attached to the little house.
I left the bulb burning during the day when it was rainy, you don't want them to get cold.
With my first set of chicks I did basically the same thing using one big box for a brooder and another turned upside down with a hole cut for a door and another hole cut in the side to clip the light to. I am a hillbilly at heart...

Yes, they do moult once a year, it seems like it was in the winter but I am not sure.

Don't forget the little buggers can fly and have nothing better to do all day than to try and get out!

Sorry so long, I guess I like chatting about my chicks!

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