Arizona Chickens

I will keep you posted. I know there's a place raising them down by the border; just hadn't really wanted to make a 5 hour trip each way..... but I might, especially if this hatch is poorly.  Now I really need eggs/hens. Dog attack this afternoon got my layers..... I have the injured survivors in the living room; I don't know if any of them will make it through the night except mayber Meaner, the roo. Just because he's mean enough.

Oh that's horrible! I'm so sorry.
Oh I also meant to say there is no such thing as too late in the season to plant a garden. I'm colder than you and I plant 12 months of the year. I especially recommend Elliot Coleman's books. Elliot gardens in Maine and eats fresh from his garden 12 months of the year; He has written several books about winter harvesting. Also check out the Master Gardeners manual which has lists for your area of what to plant when. Not all of it is right for me but I just experiment and adjust as I go along. I also ignore all of the chemical recomendations in it. I am 100% organic.
Thank you for this manual! Can't wait to read...
When did you plant it?  And how tall is it?

Just curious what to expect from mine.  It is only about 4 inches tall.
2 feet tall.. Begging of sept I think... I need to look at my
reciept. I got it from place in A.J...
I have not transplanted it yet.. I will bring it in on the nights that we
have a frost...or freeze.. I want t to make sure it maks it... I will keep you
oh i am so sorry to hear to hear about the dog attack. i wish i had the breeds you wanted then i would help you out. sorry.
my dog broke into the temporary coop/holding area but she was only after the scraps - and i threatened her with the pound just cuz of that. (i wouldnt really do that - we've had her 11 years - but still!!)
My youngest drew this picture tonight. It is of one of our chickens laying eggs and baby chicks hatching out of them. You can see the babies being formed inside the mama hen and then the squiggly slide looking thing is where the eggs come out of. I think he may have been watching too many youtube videos with me. Very proud of him though that he understands how it works. More than I understood at his age.

Billiam I think that you sons drawing is outstanding ! Learning with the proper sentiment plus being factual is wonderful. You are proud of him or you would not have posted his drawing
That just sounds so mean.

I know it sounds mean, but I don't know what else to call her. :D She's really pretty, I think, but she's brown with white and black speckles, and that doesn't go with the plan for the Aloha project, so at the ripe age of two weeks she was kicked out of the program. But she's pretty, and should be a good egg layer, so I'm going to keep her.
My youngest drew this picture tonight. It is of one of our chickens laying eggs and baby chicks hatching out of them. You can see the babies being formed inside the mama hen and then the squiggly slide looking thing is where the eggs come out of. I think he may have been watching too many youtube videos with me. Very proud of him though that he understands how it works. More than I understood at his age.

Wow, Billiam, that is amazing! How old is your son? My girls are learning quite a lot too, although ours haven't laid any eggs yet, so we haven't gotten that far. They are learning and understanding the cycle of the mealworms at the moment. A large part of my goal is to make this a learning experience.

Congratulations on doing a great job with him! Keep 'em coming.
My youngest drew this picture tonight. It is of one of our chickens laying eggs and baby chicks hatching out of them. You can see the babies being formed inside the mama hen and then the squiggly slide looking thing is where the eggs come out of. I think he may have been watching too many youtube videos with me. Very proud of him though that he understands how it works. More than I understood at his age.

So cute :D
Thanks for the kind remarks everyone. Yes I'm very proud. To be honest I was a bit surprised that he drew this to such detail. I guess I didn't realize the impact of raising chickens would extend to this level of him understanding. I just wonder how many other five year old's understand what chicken eggs are and where the come from. He is five years old and loves drawing.

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