Just wanted to forward some info, about laying eggs. You may know this already, so this may inform others.It's an eggapolooza.
A hen normally lays an egg on a 25 hour cycle. (not all, but this is accepted schedule for most chickens)
That translates to an egg from same hen, layed one hour later each day. When it gets to night time. hen will hold the egg for next morning delivery.
Of course we don't live in that Perfect Universe. Some hens do drop their eggs at night off their perch. That is one good reason to have poop boards/trays not very much distance below the roost boards. This way, the airtime does not break the egg.
Also good to have a medium like sand, or wood chips there to soften the landing
Broken eggs are best avoided for 2 reasons.
Loss off eggs.
Can lead to chickens breaking, and eating eggs.
That is a difficult/challenging habit to break.