Arizona Chickens

Sorry :( the only thing that is really throwing me with your pics is the one where you are holding the white deposits. Tumors grow on the affected organs - should be kinda hard and white (black if tissue death also occured). Did they all come off like that (free floating?) or did you cut those out for the pic?

I thought I posted but I don't see my post now so I'll try again.

Well, we did it.  Our ailing leghorn(my husband's favorite) died a couple of days ago.  I wanted to know what was wrong so we attempted our first autopsy.  We only had a few minutes so couldn't do much more than open her up, but we did it.  It was hard and stinky but I'm glad we did.  Hopefully, in the future we'll be able to spend more time and do a better job. 
We didn't know exactly what to look for, but the most striking thing was all the little white things everywhere.  If anyone wants to look at the very gross pictures :sick you can follow the link below. 
If you know anything about chicken autopsies/necropsies, please take a look and tell me what you think.

I posted pictures here:


Well folks, My DH and I have a new home and starting in Jan. we will be off traveling the USA for 6-12 months or so. We will then find where we want to stay but the thing that makes me happy is we have a place until we find that perfect spot for us! We will have our two whippet dogs with us but no chickens.
She is a 1986 Jayco but has been very well cared for.

Congratulations and all the best to you!!!
pipemum   About your comment growing up with Bambi and seems that most of us have grown up with conflicting ideas due to the propaganda of Big Business and Big Government's using the media and controlling our schools.  Never the less it is difficult for most of us to kill. I just try to think of how much adulteration is infused into our foods and everything else we use today including shampoos and skin creams. I learned years ago that by the time an infant has grown to one year of age at least 25 chemicals have been used on the skin because Bossiness's would not flourish without selling............ I am reading a book about the use of Mercury to cure disease between the 1700s until 1900s. It use caused insanity and death and even though the medical profession found evidence of this they persisted in using a CURE which was more deadly than the disease.   ugh 

On a lighter note, there was some rain mixed with hail a few minutes ago and I delighted to see that the girls were inside.  So they got their pot of cooked lentils early !

What is the name of the book?
Post scrip to Flower's Mercury. The trail of Louise and Clark is so will documented do yo mercury in the Latrine's that they dug.

Rush's Bilious Pills, I think it was something like 600 of them, as a laxative, referred to as Thunderclapers the pills were the size of horse pills. They worked so well that the body try's to cleans itself of toxins. Dr. Rush was famous for staying and treating a pledge of Yellow Fever in Philadelphia in 1793 and a signer of the Decloration of Independence. His treatment was mercury-chloride solution, administered until the patient drooled, teeth and hair fell out, or the died. He was considered a hero and the best example of moderne Medicean.

It was thought fight poison with poison......... Ya! That worked.
For more interesting stuff read The Despairing Spoon by Sam Kean, it is riveting reading, and eye opening. You will never look at the Periodic Table the same, and for the first time for many it will make sense. For those of you that thought that Chemistry and the Periodic Table was no more mysterious as choking gum, you may find it interesting for the Love, Madness, and Intrigue behind the elements.


Is anyone going to the fair this week end to see about buying chickens or rabbits? It is posted in Craigslist.
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We use a flood light at night to seed the lawn.. When the wild birds are sleeping they have "literally" NO IDEA that the seed is even there..

Been doing that for 4-5 years now.. It totally works.. Problem solved..

I'm really liking this idea.  I haven't given the neighbors any reason to suspect that I've been partaking in any suspicious activities since I moved here five years ago, but If they saw a bunch of flood lights in my back yard sprouting some plants (I live on a peninsula with a culdesac in front and back), the Law Enforcement and SWAT team would be here in a heartbeat, scaring the hell out of me and my babies. and confiscating all my rye, wheat, fodder, fermented feeds, maybe the hens, too, with allegations of COCK fighting with the gals.

Sheesh, I live paycheck-to-paycheck, eeking out a meager living.  I don't have everything I want, but everything I NEED. I don't who or what you believe in, but I've been blessed over, over, over and over again.  Things that I thought were impossible, came to past and fruition, not high on the hog, but not at the poverty level either.  Call me a wimp, but it's an emotional thing for me seeing how far I've come and it makes me break down and cry every time I think about it.  I did my parents proud and have to give Thanks everyday, because there are alot of folks out there worse off than me.

I do print out portions of your postings and put them in my Honey Do (Chicken Do) tray for future reference.  I think I may expand those planter boxes out further, maybe create some type of oasis with a little bit of everything, even some misters.  Hey, the whole back yard is just plain dirt, a complete blank canvas.

Still haven't heard back for the H.O.A. about my kennel height, heck with them.  As much as I wanna buy one of those pre-fab coups, I may end up building my own maybe in the style of those. Hand tools, power tools, levels etc., are no strangers here and can navigate around them fairly well.

Sorta jumping around to various posts, but congrats to those who have new babies!  If I can get some furniture moved outta here, I can start building my brooder (oops, forgot to put that on the list).

Keep those ideas flowing, you folks are amazing! --BB

Bobby Basham
Tucson, Arizona

The brooder can be a box if you have a small amount of them at the right time of year., & a light to,keep,them warm
home built is better..
Since we live by A.S.U. there are a lot of rentals with a blank canvas.. Once they move out and is vacant long enough
I go over and plant... That is where the morangia trees will be planted..since we have WAY TO MANY trees on our
property already.. Falling asleep.. Good night all.. Oh and enjoy this amazing weather....
oh my, where do i start... i just took the last 3 hours to catch up. i really love reading all these posts and sorry i cant reply to them all

*sorry to hear you have roosters LKD, i hope they surprise you and lay an egg instead.
*Moringa trees - i have a friend on mesa/gilbert border who had them in pots and they died. someone told her to plant them straight in the ground so she did that last year and now they are over 5 feet tall. i myself have not tried to plant them yet - but when i do straight to the ground they will go.
*hi AZKat, how is the family and your wee one?
*photto, what a mess with that parking stuff. he sounds like a toolbox, and better not park in my driveway.
*beckyh i thought your photos nicely done and very informative. good job and thank you. they did look like tiny fatty deposits or tumors to me, not worms. i agree with your conclusion :) sorry for your husbands and your loss.
*cityfarm, i hope the 2 ee's from me are laying eggs for you. i got my moms hen a few weeks ago and she laid about a dozen eggs for me and now nothing for the past week - i am starting to get very worried that maybe my beautiful rooster is a monstrous egg eater!
*i plan to read how the chicken conquered the world tomorrow after work
*madbaggins !! one of my absolute favorite songs is the nurse who loved me by a perfect circle. not sure why but it causes instant good mood in me. have you seen (on toolband or loudwire) the greatest metal frontman face off? maynard or peter steele WHAT??!! i cant wait to see the results of the ultimate supergroup. lol i played the videos you posted then my husband got his laptop and spent an hour catching up on band news and videos he hadnt seen lately thanks.
night everyone
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It's Halloween and I'm missing my gold body suit. I wish I'd been able to see out of it. I am getting another one from Amazon, but a lot of the colors are sold out so I'll have to wait for the restock. As boring as it is, I think it'll have to be black. The gold highlighted some features I'd prefer not to have highlighted. Plus, in black I can really be sneaky and freaky. eta: I found a tiedye look rainbow zentai suit. Hard to resist. also metallic purple. and metallic silver. and metallic black. how ever will I choose??????
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Well, where to start? I'm still alive and kicking. Tired of doing a/c work in Phx in the summer, it takes all my time and energy. Still have chickens and ducks, and have added guineas, geese and turkeys. Still battling coyotes and feral dogs, as well as hawks and owls, Ran into LadyKortaDoria at the grocery store and found out in conversation about turkeys that she was on BYC, which in turn prompted me to get off my tush and log in and see what's been going on. Nice to see Gallo and some of the others I remember. Great deal on those cisterns Gallo!. Moringas... mine died back last year with the freeze before the seed pods ripened, but did come back so I'm hoping I get some this year. I'm going to try and catch up on some of the recent past posts and hope to check in more often.
hi Bob!!!! How are the boys?
Forgot to mention, came up with a fairly decent plan for keeping rabbits. They will have to be housed on the "dog" side of the yard, but it won't be too difficult to make their area cool in the summer, and warm in the winter, and dog-proof, of course. Convincing my husband aside, I think I can have something constructed by Jan or Feb.

This rabbit system appeals to me because it can fit on a covered porch (which I don't have), or a laundry room (don't have), easy to clean and maintain, but I start thinking about rabbits on wire their whole life in a small cage and I don't really like it. I know rabbits can live on wire and it is totally healthy and fine, it's just a personal preference. (Image from Hostile Hare). I'm working on something a little more organic with more space. Pretty sure my husband won't agree, but as he does zero of the work, I don't really think he has much of a say in the matter.

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the only thing that is really throwing me with your pics is the one where you are holding the white deposits. Tumors grow on the affected organs - should be kinda hard and white (black if tissue death also occured). Did they all come off like that (free floating?) or did you cut those out for the pic?
We cut it out for the picture. They were exactly like in the description for O cancer:

At necropsy there are countless white, firm tumors on the surfaces of the intestinal wall and oviduct.

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