Arizona Chickens

We also have a mouse problem which is less of an issue where the chickens are concerned because they can't steal eggs like the squirrels can. Mice bring cats into our yard which is a problem for me because cats leave urine and dander that want me to stop breathing.

We tried water bucket traps. Caught two and then the mice ignored them no matter what kind of bait we used. Victor traps caught a few then they were also ignored. We tried the larger claw traps and the mice just trip those without getting caught.

I'm aware it's the open desert so we can't eradicate the mouse population but we'd like to reduce it to the point where the cats look elsewhere for their hunting grounds.

We use tube traps on the squirrels, they're moderately effective.

How do you all manage squirrels and mice? Are there more effective methods for trapping them? We're trying to avoid using poison.
Absolutely NOT! It is way too early for this :rant
This is crazy. I'm not ready to start hibernating so soon. I still have so much to do. The new enclosure is still in its boxes. The two back rooms in the house still need some work. My summer clothes are still all packed up. And if we have to start running the A/C full time in March, omg the bills...

Hopefully it goes back down and stays down awhile, I’m also hoping for good rains this summer, last year was entirely way to dry!!!

Yes, if it's going to be hot so soon we should get some rain a lot sooner, too! I don't expect that to happen, though. Everyone keeps saying this one is going to hurt.

I'm worried for the chickens, too. It's so hard on them. Last summer we had 18 gal tubs set up indoors for anyone who needed to cool off, we only used them a few times. The chickens tolerated the tubs but didn't really like them. I'm wondering if I should set up a larger cooling off area that could accommodate several hens in one of the back rooms that has A/C. I don't know what that would look like, though.
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Yes, if it's going to be hot so soon we should get some rain a lot sooner, too! I don't expect that to happen, though. Everyone keeps saying this one is going to hurt.

I'm worried for the chickens, too. It's so hard on them. Last summer we had 18 gal tubs set up for anyone who needed to cool off, we only used them a few times. The chickens tolerated the tubs but didn't really like them. I'm wondering if I should set up a larger cooling off area that could accommodate several hens in one of the back rooms that has A/C. I don't know what that would look like, though.
I understand your concern over all of it. Take a deep breath and do the outside stuff while it’s cool. Even with highs in the upper 90’s it will be cool enough in the early morning hours to get stuff done. Save the rooms in the house for when it’s too warm to be outside.

It is not a good idea to bring your flock in and out of the a/c. It can it more difficult for them to be outside overnight because that will be hot, and then daytime will be impossible for them. I would suggest you try ice blocks in those tubs and give them a chance. Don’t put water in with the ice, just let it slowly melt. Even if they aren’t standing in them yet, I’d bet they will eventually. And I imagine they’re drinking from them at least.

Get some electrolytes for them now so you have them on hand.

I put water in the pitchers I use to make ice today.

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