Arkansas folks speak up.........

Rbam- 1st Blue OEGB popped out about an hour ago. Got 2 more zipping and 2 or 3 more pipped!

Well, I'm back from the northwoods of Wisconsin. I didn't have internet up there. We fished 5 out of 6 days. Had a great time, but the fish weren't biting very well. Met lots of nice people. Sounds like you had a good time at the meetup. How many of those folks are on BYC? Our flight didn't come in until 8pm, so no go for me. Well, I gotta get to trying to catch up on my reading. I've got to decide what to catch up on. No way I can read a whole week's worth!
Looks like a fun time!! I almost cried when I saw there were ducklings, I want more ducklings waaaaaaaaaa!
We couldn't make it because we had babies hatching in the 'bator. We're now being entertained by 7 gorgeous Amercaunas, they are such a hoot!

I decided I'll be at the next one even if we're hatching, we've got one of those converter thingies so we can plug household items in the truck..have 'bator will travel next time LOL

Rbam - Looks like a 6 out of 9 hatch on the Blue OEGB. 1 quit around 16 days, 1 hatched and died, and there is 1 left in the bator that had veining yesterday and decent air cell, but today I can't see much of anything.

Here are pics: 3 dark, 2 kind of split color a little dark and a lot of silvery light, and 1 that I know is a self-blue!




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