Arkansas folks speak up.........

Very Cherry, can you pm me your address? I would like to send you some glucosamine/chondroitin I use on my injured horses to try on your rubbermaid pup- (no charge).
thanks, luvarabhorses
Very Cherry, can you pm me your address? I would like to send you some glucosamine/chondroitin I use on my injured horses to try on your rubbermaid pup- (no charge).
thanks, luvarabhorses

Thank you luvarabhorses, I pm'd you.

I know this is a chicken forum, but... here is a recent photo of Dixie, more recent than the other one. I tried to sneak a picture of her sleeping, but of course she opened up her eyes just as I took it. If she sees you, she gets up. I hate to disturb her when she's resting peacefully, but you just CANNOT sneak up on her! Her hearing is obviously still 100%.

She loves that little faux sherpa thing in the bucket. She gets it in her mouth and moves it around to suit her before she lays down. So cute!


Ok, back to chickens, lol!

This is a hen I got from Amanda last year, fall I believe. She is such a good Mom. There are 2 Sultans and 2 other bantams under all that fluff! You can see the real Sultan Mom on the perch below them.

I have a huge owl(I thought it was a hawk, but hubby and son say it is an owl) that is wreaking havoc on 2 of my uncovered pens, lost 4 chickens during the night and just can't handle the stress from it any longer. I actually saw it fly off with one of its kills at 2:30am. I need to downsize what I have here and try to rebuild after I am able to cover all my pens.

Right now I have:

10 guineas, mixed types 5 or 6 look to be pearl, but not sure. They range in age from 5 to 7 weeks.

2 BLRW hatched on July 4th, not sure of sex on either one.

1 Partridge Cochin hatched on July 4th, not sure of sex.

7-9(haven't done accurate count) Black Jersey Giants, not sure of sex on any of them and there may be a clean legged BCM in the bunch, I can't tell them apart at this point.

Cash or trade on any of them.

If anyone is interested you can PM me or email me at [email protected]

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Oh gosh Tina! I'm sorry to hear about your losses. I wish I had some more room, but DH is about to take a trip with his pool team to Vegas and he's hoarding all the money it would take to build a quick run. Gosh I would love to have a few of those guineas!
I'm so sorry you've had such bad luck. At least you've identified the preditor.

If your Partridge Cochin is a female, I would probably take it, depending on how much you'd want. I already have a grown roo and 2 male chicks, and only the one hen. I just can't get females.

If you have a chance to get a picture I might can tell by sight. The males look so awkward as little ostriches! How much do you want for it if it is a female?

How much do you want for the 2 BLRW? I really need hens. I still need to drive up and get that Barred Rock from Scot, but I'm pretty homebound these days, since my van keeps overheating. I think I'm going to have it worked on next week if all goes right.

Oh, did you have any Lavender Guineas? What other kinds besides Pearl?
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Here is the link. We don't have a meetup scheduled right now. I think they mentioned having one in September, but no plans yet.

Thank you. When I joined last month I had just missed the last one. And someone said something about the next one. Seemed like the 2nd week in Sept. Maybe I'm thinking of something else. I hope I get to go. I'm really having alot of fun with this chicken stuff. Everywhere I go I'm looking for chicken stuff. Hardware stores, feed stores, Wal-mart, flea markets, pawn shops. It doesn't matter. I'm always looking for things to use for chickens. Make shift nest boxes. I really love scrap lumber. I have a huge pile of it now. I have chickens on the brain.
I'm a transplanted Hillbilly too. From West Plains, MO. Up the road from there is a place called Hillbilly Junction. Suppossed to be going to Branson and Silver Dollar City this weekend. That was one of my favorite places when I was a little boy.
I grew up around Mountain Home. The community was called "Monkey Run". We actually lived south of Monkey Run, so far out in the sticks, it didn't have a name. lol

I know what you mean about chickens on the brain! Every time I see a shed, I think about how I could turn it into a coop.

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