Arkansas folks speak up.........

Im hoping the possum was just after trash. I've 2 rifles and a shot gun. The only thing keeping me from shooting him is the neighboors. My father-in-law suggested I use my .22 with an empty coke bottle on the barrle to mute the shot. I suppose it would work. I'd be more fun with the 26 gauge or SKS. I may borrow your live trapand save my bullets for squirrle and deer. Im getting my hunting licence tonight and I have plenty of experience with traping animals. My buddy's house is a magent for raccoons. He called us up and said there was a momma and a bunch of babies up there this last spring. We caught and released 1 momma and 9 babies with honey buns. Two of the babies were wandering around on the front porch (and this is in North Hills) I just picked them up and put them in our cat carrier. Mabey the possum would like a honey bun?
Oh no, Michelle. I'm sorry about your ducklings, and your roof. Scot, your babies too.

I wound up with 3 Wheaten (or Blue Wheaten or Splash Wheaten) Marans chicks and one ???...not sure, from my hatch. Pretty good considering the age of the eggs and the outage from the storm.

I thought it was a bantam egg, although it was a little larger than the rest, but it sure looks like an EE or an EE cross to me. After a few days, it's now almost as big as the Marans too. Cutest little thing, has Black Breasted Red pattern, aka chipmunk! May have been a first pullet egg from one of my younger EE girls, but if so, the egg wasn't blue, hmmm... The pullests that could have laid it are from my own hatches, and all from blue eggs, so I'm leaning more towards an EE and bantam Cochin cross. Either way, it's cute, and going by feather (wing) sexing, it's definately a girl!


This little Marans flogs my hand every time I stick it in the tub, lol! I mean just over and over and over until he falls over backward. I pick him up and he's as tame as can be though. I guess, or HOPE that he's playing and is just really full of stuff!

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Jarhead, you've got 14 years on me! Im only 20! I am truly a newbie at everything: bills, driving, college (hope to graduate next year) and house keeping (Ooo I hate that one).
Late 30 s for men

Cool then I can tell my wife I need a few more years of irresponsibility and partying before it's time for kids!!! WOOHOO!!!

Time to go shotgun a couple of beers and do some tequila shots, see you guys later. If Stephanie gets on here and asks what happened to me - just tell her I went to Mexico, and I might come home in a week unless I still have some cash, then I might stay a little longer since they have loose women and peyote down there.

*Reality sets back in* and I let out a sigh. I gave that stuff up when I left my 20s behind. Now I have a wife, a house, and a mortgage, and I mow my lawn twice a week since I like how it looks, and I have car payments, and a business, and taxes, and more taxes, and I rarely drink now, and I quit smoking like 10 years ago, and I have actual money in the bank now not just a checking account with $2.24 like I used too, and I even donate some of that cash to charity. CRAP! I really am a grown up now. Maybe a kid wouldn't be so bad then I can relive my youth through him! (assuming there would be a boy).

Ok my wild minds is calming down now
10 years of marriage is a good solid foundation to have before kids. The fair was great. Do not try the fried coke or snickers. Yuck!! The poultry barn was nice. I saw lots of names from the meet up site. I really want some giant geese. Anyone know where I can get some?
I'm 35 and still feel like a child. Love having lots of animals. All though I'm about to have a 2nd child. Right now I feel like 100.

Just have to say. NO MORE RAIN PLEASE!!!!

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