Arkansas folks speak up.........

Ok Arkansans! We are suppose to have some extremely severe weather today in Fort Smith including tornados and huge hail. What do y'all do with your chickens? I have 7, 5 week old chicks and will rescue then from the coop in a laundry basket. What do y'all do? I'm terribly nervous about upsetting them but also don't want them to be pummeled by golfball size hail in their coop!
If it's supposed to rain or storm, I just don't let them out of their coops/brooders. Both coops are completely enclosed with roofs well built to withstand hail, and my brooder is inside my house. If there's a tornado, there's not much you can do except pray for the best...
I am a worry wart myself about the weather!!! I have six new baby bantams in the garage in their brooder & then my older (2 mo old) chicks & ducks out in their run/coop. My plan is to go out before the storm hits & close them up in the coop & pray for the best. Everyone stay safe & keep us all posted after the storm goes by.
I am a worry wart myself about the weather!!! I have six new baby bantams in the garage in their brooder & then my older (2 mo old) chicks & ducks out in their run/coop. My plan is to go out before the storm hits & close them up in the coop & pray for the best. Everyone stay safe & keep us all posted after the storm goes by.
Has the weather picked up in NW Ark? I been checking the and it shows pretty clear right now....Be safe up there
I'm keeping an eye on the radar... So far it looks like the storm is building over SE KS & NE OK. We are cloudy in NWA but "so far, so good". Fingers crossed it won't be so bad as they are predicting! Prayers for ALL
Has the weather picked up in NW Ark? I been checking the and it shows pretty clear right now....Be safe up there
so far nice and quiet, had some light sprinkles only. i did leave the door open so they can go inside. the chicks are in the new run! i used stakes and netting so i can change the area weekly.



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looking at my photos.... i think i will switch to my cannon instead of the phone camera.. some of the shots looked much clearer when i pressed the button. the cannon also has high speed capabilities.

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