Arkansas folks speak up.........

I just got my first eggs from my ayam cemani and have the first six in the incubator today to check their fertility fingers crossed.
Congrats! Those are beautiful birds! I was looking at ordering some from Ideal but they are sold out. I did get a silver speckled hamburg in Beebe yesterday for $10 (expensive I know but I need another hen for winter so I have at least 3 banties to huddle up to stay warm!). I also went online and ordered from Ideal. It was under $40 for 8 chicks (including shipping) and I'm getting 3 white silkies, 3 silver sebrights, and 2 assorted... I'm really hoping to get lavender silkies but doubtful cause these were also sold out!

I have one rooster and he is a quiet guy so if I'm lucky I'll get at least a pair if not a trio of sebrights and that rooster will also be one of the quiet guys... I'd like to get into breeding which is why I kept one silkie roo... but I'm STILL waiting for my silkie hen to lay! She is a late bloomer! I bet its the line though so I'm glad these next silkies will be from a seperate line!
Hi folks, I am in Northwest Arkansas (Rogers) and curious about what y'all suggest for winter protection for a coop. I have 4 pullets fully feathered in a 10'x20' dog kennel/run that serves add my backyard rabbitry also.

I am not a carpenter but I have the scrap wood laying around to build them a shelter.

You want to make sure where they roost at night and lay eggs stays out of the wind (make the opening face the south) and as far as the run goes, you can put a tin roof over that so they don't get wet and you can put clear plastic tarps(to let the sun in) on the side(s) to keep the north wind off of them. Clear ones are hard to find locally, try searching for them on the internet. I have some rooster pens that are just chicken wire on two sides, so basically open pens. I tarp those sides up during the winter months to keep the winds out. Still gets cold in there but they have a roof on their heads and their pen stays dry.
good luck with them im getting seramas next but I might get some sebrights too they are so beautiful sorry about you have to sell your ducks mine just started laying and I have a beautiful pair of lavender Muscovy ducks too.
good luck with them im getting seramas next but I might get some sebrights too they are so beautiful sorry about you have to sell your ducks mine just started laying and I have a beautiful pair of lavender Muscovy ducks too.
Thanks! I think sebrights are really beutiful! I like my hamburg too! I like ducks but with our dogs and our smallish lot they just aren't a good fit... they were really beautiful though and all went together as a trio!
I'll have to look up seramas. I'm getting a second chicken tractor lol =) ... and I'm still waiting on the silkie hen to start laying smh!
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Silver Sebright roo I have is not quiet at all:) He is my constant crower and the loudest even though there are no other males around him. They are handsome little buggers- I'd relate the mature males to Chihuahuas that think they are giants!
Sorry to burst your bubble but the Silver Sebright roo I have is not quiet at all:) He is my constant crower and the loudest even though there are no other males around him. They are handsome little buggers- I'd relate the mature males to Chihuahuas that think they are giants!
Yikes! I hope I'm lucky! Out of 3 silkie roosters I got 1 quiet one =)
I have a dominate rhodi who has been pecking and raking the back of my barred rock. I have since confined the rhodi (hoping to adjust the pecking order), but I am looking for an apron for my barred rock while the red bald spots heal. She also has some blood feathers coming in and I worry about them breaking if pecked (another reason for the apron).
I am in NWA (Springdale), anyone locally make them or know where I can get one, other than online?
I just checked my ayam cemani eggs after five days and they are fertile as well as the serama eggs I got from Harrison.
That is awesome! Ayam Cemani are rarer birds and if they are good quality they usually sell for more.

I just got bad news from Ideal. I probably won't get my shipment so I'll have to wait until next year =/
Hey guys. My Jersey from MM has been laying since July, and all of her eggs are brown with spots. The spots come out looking purple! It's beautiful, and I hope to keep it going in her offspring.

This is what they look like wet. I think the eggs are covered in a powdery-like film, giving the eggs their purple-looking speckles, but if doesn't wash off. My Welsummer from Meyer has the same kind of powdery look, and it makes her dark egg look washed out, and all of her eggs come out this way. I figured it's just hatchery genetics, but at least Jersey's eggs look cool. :)

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