Arkansas folks speak up.........

Well, I have ameraucana pullets laying.  One pen has a cockerel in with them.  I can check the eggs for fertility if you want.  They would be considered EE because I don't have them separated for color variety right now.  It's a wheaten cockerel in with other wheatens, blue wheatens and a few splash, blue and black pullets.  I'm just a bit SE of Fayetteville, which isn't far from Fort Smith.

That'd be awesome! How much per dozen?
Buff Rock

Aught to be nice sized chickens when grown.

@alohachickens has worked with the Buff Rocks in the Aloha Chicken project. According to her it is hard to hold the mottling with buff, but really helps with the yellow legs. But I'm not afraid to work with it. Might add something else that I like.

Just post on here or PM me when you have eggs available and asking price.

By the way I think I've been through Prairie Grove, but I can't for the life if me remember where ( next biggest town) it is located.
Prairie Grove is southwest of Fayetteville between Farmington and Lincoln on state highway 62.

Yeah the hens are a little small. I wanted the buff color and to try to improve size. I got 18 buff rocks from Ideal last spring and kept the one I wanted, eating the others.
Hello all!
Lowell AR in NW AR here.
Have a few BO and one suspected RSL. 
Will be looking to expand the flock soon.

Hello and welcome to the Arkansas thread.
There are folks on and off here all the time. Sometimes there are spells of not moving then all the sudden it takes off.

Have any questions post them and someone will get to you before too long.

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