Arkansas folks speak up.........

Errrrm, actually 3 EE's, Blue OEGB, and my little quail babies. Keep your distance girl!

Well I hope it catches on. I named most of these I don't think it's right to eat them. I would rather them go to good homes. I'll be getting any in the future from hacheries or hatching my own. Got too many Roo's at TSC.
We're working on a design for a new and improved coop. Elevated floor design or dirt floor? pro's and con's any thoughts or suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Ty & Pam
Dirt floor with deep liter pine shavings then sprinkled with DE is the way to go IMO. Add more pine shavings and DE as needed. Keeps down smells, and makes compost you can pull out and use from the bottom. Never need to remove all the litter, makes cleaning the coop a breeze. Just my $.02

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