Arkansas folks speak up.........

Scot, My wife and I thought your coop was great. Predators are a huge problem here. We had even thought of burying chain link outside of the run/coop area. The broken brick moat is a great idea. I also liked cogburn's idea of elevated enough to provide daytime shelter from really hot weather. We want to build big enough to accommodate 30 to 50 grown birds and an area to raise up some little ones too. maybe a split design?? It has become a nightly ritual to get up and tiptoe out on the deck. My wife hits the spotlight while I try to draw a bead on whatever critter is trying to get in arrrrrghhh 3 chickens in 4 nights. We got 5 coons a skunk and a coyote. Thats 7 to 3 our favor I think.
Ty & Pam

p.s. cogburn I'm pretty sure that 1 thru 9 are chickens.
Sorry I was feeling a bit the smart ass. Besides it takes me forever to figure out the abbreviations of the different chickens.
Rooster, I think the black ones look like Minorcas. IDK on the others. Those first two, could they be EEs? I have one that looks just like them.
What a LOVELY day!!!!!

I am so thankful I live in Arkansas.

It's like spring out here.
Look Roche! Your grandchickies FINALLY came out of the coop! Not even my nervous little cuckoo marans could resist such a beautiful, almost springlike day.


Oops...they saw me. They're going back in now.

OK you guys, I gotta brag. I now have a new 80 x 80 poultry yard. The hoop house that was the bachelor pad is the coop in the middle of the yard and is now the happy home of 21 young turkeys that are so glad to be out of that way too small pen. The 4 bachelors that were in the coop don't seem to mind the run of that yard either. We can't free range because of predator problems. I have a greenhouse frame that is supposed to eventually go up in the middle to become breeder housing, storage, and coop all in one. The whole thing is surrounded by electric fence, SOLAR POWERED!, and will be covered with netting. The hawks and owls are numerous here and are one of the reasons we can't free range. We were actually able to herd all of the turkeys into the hoop house as it started`getting dark. We are still trying to decide on taking a chance on trying to free range some guineas out of a small barn to see if they can make it. It has been a very long day, but the weather couldn't have been much nicer for us. We were lucky to have two friends come over to help, or we never would have gotten it done in one day.
OOoooOOOh Jen! Congrats on the new chicken digs! This sounds like a chicken keepers dream to me. I'm sure your back is pretty broken today, but when you're all better, I wanna see some pics!

ETA - errr turkey digs
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