Arkansas folks speak up.........

Welcome to BYC and to the Arkansas thread WDW.

Jim, that's awesome, glad to see they all made it.

I guess the southeast corner missed out on all the excitement last night, either that or I slept through it. I know it was doing some thundering, but other than that, ZZZZZZZZZZZ.........
Jen, you're lucky you slept through it! There was some really loud thunder and I thought I heard hail, but must have been hard rain.

Welcome, Wood Duck!

Jim, I'm so glad your little ducks made it this time.
Welcome Wood Duck! You've gone and done it now. You better start building on the six coop and runs you'll need before it's all said and done.

Jim - if that box came to my house, I'd be up to my elbows in that fuzzy sweetness! Glad they made good and everyone arrived safe and sound.

As for that crazy weather! I actually saw one of the tornadoes. We were at church last night, outside in the front, and right before service the tornado sirens went off. My husband and I were watching the lightening and when the sky lit up, there it was! A humongous, black wall cloud that just dropped down to the ground. That stuff is mesmorizing! I finally came to my senses and grabbed DH's arm and drug him inside. Silly man didn't want to go.

Here's what we saw last night.
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We saw the top of that one too. When the sirens went off my sister in law called to tell us it was on the ground over that direction, so of course we ran outside to see it.
To our north the sky was still bluish with just patchy clouds, but to our southeast it was a solid wall of black cloud with just constant lightening in it. I knew it must be the tornado even though we couldn't see the actual funnel from our location.

It hailed at our house 3 times is the worst we got. The last round (after the tornado actually) was REALLY heavy and it was coming down sideways but none of the hail balls were actually that big.
I'm so glad you guys didn't get blown away. We didn't have it too bad. There was a good deal of rain and a nice light show, but nothing outstanding.

Jim, so glad to see you got in strong healthy replacements! How cute!

Hope to see all of you at the meetup Saturday.
Ok so I've had my chickens (6RIR 2gold sex links) and our sad little thrown together coop made of scrap. It's quaint but tiny. The chickens pretty much range around all day but we needed a better and bigger coop. I have discovered the solution !!!! My 75 little golden sex links will be here next thursday the 18th, yup 75 of the little buggers. Soooo tonight I built a huge brooder box to keep in the shop hopefully to buy some time till I can get the coop built. I'm thinkin 16 X 12 raised floor kind of thing. Is that big enough of a coop considering they can roam a couple acres??
Brood box is 4x8 16 inches deep 2 heat lamps 2 feeders 2 waterers Am I on the right track??? any suggestions???
12 x 16 should be good housing for that many once you get rid of some of the roosters with free ranging. Nest boxes off the ground or built outside, roosts higher than the nest boxes. It might get kinda tight if they have to stay in for a spell. Make sure you keep as much open floor space as possible. That brooder will do for a while, but you better hurry and get that coop built where you can move them outside to a larger brooder area as they grow.

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