At loss for words!

It was an accident but he did try to say the chicks did it after he realized the Peachy would not open the eyes and was dead. He’s a good kid but don’t think it was done on purpose or with the intent of harming the chick. He admitted to it and was scared he would get in big trouble.

There's a certain logic that kids have. At the time he had a good reason - giving the chick a drink? IMO, best to go easy on him, give him lots of positive reinforcement for gentle handling, teach him that the critters know how to care for themselves and what to watch for... HIS jobs should be clearly defined and monitored by adults.

Guilt doesn't help with little kids and can have unknown results. The fear of getting in big trouble is an acknowledgment that he knows he made a mistake..
More responsibility in the form of new chicks will help him know he is a GOOD person and that you trust him to learn the right ways to care for critters.
There's a certain logic that kids have. At the time he had a good reason - giving the chick a drink? IMO, best to go easy on him, give him lots of positive reinforcement for gentle handling, teach him that the critters know how to care for themselves and what to watch for... HIS jobs should be clearly defined and monitored by adults.

Guilt doesn't help with little kids and can have unknown results. The fear of getting in big trouble is an acknowledgment that he knows he made a mistake..
More responsibility in the form of new chicks will help him know he is a GOOD person and that you trust him to learn the right ways to care for critters.
You get all of the likes!(even if it only lets me give you one)
You get all of the likes!(even if it only lets me give you one)

aww, thank you! It's my opinion that kids do best when we trust them to do well, accept their "mistakes" as part of learning, and teach them by our example that even when things go wrong, we move ahead.
I am so glad the OP got new chicks!!! that is a lovely act of faith in the little guy.

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