

Jun 21, 2021
Good morning! I was wondering when did everyone’s girls start to lay? I have two Rhode island reds, two prairie bluebell easter eggers, and two light bramahas that are 16 weeks and I have a buff orpington, white leghorn, and americana easter egger that are 8 weeks. This is my first personal flock. What was your experience with these breeds?
Mine varied depending on breeds.

My EE waited until 8 months

Sisters EE 6 months

Sumatra 7 months

Brahma 5 months

Silkies, 5-6 months

Red JungleFowl hybrids 6 months

Orpingtons 6 months

Black Copper Marans, 7 months

Heritage Plymouth Barred Rocks 6-7 months
Good morning! I was wondering when did everyone’s girls start to lay? I have two Rhode island reds, two prairie bluebell easter eggers, and two light bramahas that are 16 weeks and I have a buff orpington, white leghorn, and americana easter egger that are 8 weeks. This is my first personal flock. What was your experience with these breeds?
I have 5 RIR's and only one has started laying the fairy eggs at 21 weeks.
One of my black copper marans laid her first egg today! The first egg of the flock. 20 weeks and 1 day old. I was so happy I cried when I found this perfect little dark brown egg in the box! The white egg in the photo is fake.


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