At what age do baby chicks start to DUST BATH?

What do you mean "without as long dust bath is available"? Sorry
Oh I meant if they had dirt. Actually, I don't think they dust untill 2 weeks. I have seen them start doing it in a brooder at about maybe 6 weeks in chips. I have seen hens running around with the chicks but I don't remember when they started dusting. i THINK SHE WAS DUSTING AND MAYBE THE CHICKS WERE TOO.
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But you didn't give them anything besides their feed ..?

No, I didn't give them sand or dirt to bathe in. My chicks have to move out of my brooder when they are about 1.5 to 2 weeks old and into their coop. They can dust bathe there. Usually they don't really dustbathe until a couple of weeks later anyways. So I'm good with that.
No, I didn't give them sand or dirt to bathe in. My chicks have to move out of my brooder when they are about 1.5 to 2 weeks old and into their coop. They can dust bathe there. Usually they don't really dustbathe until a couple of weeks later anyways. So I'm good with that.
Why are you moving them so young and small?
Why are you moving them so young and small?
I am a breeder and I breed for show. I hatch up to 50 chicks every 2 weeks... I usually breed around 100 to 120 chicks every spring. So I need to move them out of the brooder and into the coop. It's just to many to keep in the house. As well as I need the brooder for the next hatch. The chicks enjoy more space as well as they grow. It actually works out well.
Incubated chicks I introduce run dirt for dust bathes by 4 days old. As others noted this introduces the area soil for immunity.

My broodys I don't let outside of the coop for roughly 3 days, gives the chicks time to gain strength on their feet and learn surroundings with momma. After that I let them into the run for the first week. Momma immediately dust bathes with curious chicks in tow, if chicks are not dust bathing that day with her, they will be the next day.

Between week 1 & 2 I'm letting them free range with the flock, supervised for short spurts in late afternoon.
But you didn't give them anything besides their feed ..?
Even though you are not giving them anything besides their chick crumble. They may eat the bedding in brooder or anything else they may get their little beaks on and get impacted, that's why most give grit right away. Always better to be safe than sorry. Thought I seen you post another thread asking about feeding meal worms? I always sprinkle a little chick grit on new hatchlings feed a few times within first 2 weeks starting on day 1. Until they know difference between feed and grit then offer appropriately sized grit by itself for life.
Even though you are not giving them anything besides their chick crumble. They may eat the bedding in brooder or anything else they may get their little beaks on and get impacted, that's why most give grit right away. Always better to be safe than sorry. Thought I seen you post another thread asking about feeding meal worms? I always sprinkle a little chick grit on new hatchlings feed a few times within first 2 weeks starting on day 1. Until they know difference between feed and grit then offer appropriately sized grit by itself for life.
And do they get IMPACTED too with grit? This is where I'm confused !! 😕

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