Attaching hardware cloth to wood with stapler gun?

I am currently remodeling an old rabbit hutch (probably about 6 years old) and when I built it I used both poultry staples, hammered in, and a handheld staple gun. This hutch held up to multiple racoons in the past. I noticed: 1) Those poultry staples are NOT ever coming out, even though I want them to. We cut around them and covered them with trim this time around. 2) The staples I put in with the gun are not holding up and would have easily been infiltrated by a predator 3) The staples my husband put in with the same gun are dang strong! I had to really work to get them out. If I were adding anymore welded wire, I would have him staple them in with the gun. Maintenance is always a thing too. Check and re staple if needed.
The staples I use with my pneumatic gun have leg lengths varying from 1/2" to 1-1/4" long. When they go in, they won't pull out. The HWC wires would have to break. Every place I stapled the HWC, I stapled a wooden slat over the seam with the longest staples. so there's double attachment to the frame of the run. Nothing's getting in unless the hardware cloth wires break. LOL
Sometimes in this conversation, I am only guessing whether a person is talking about staples or whether they are talking about heavy duty ROMEX staples or something else.
Here's my understanding. Your terminology might be different. Types of staples and staplers.jpg
A battery operated one might be nice!

This is the stapler I use. I've had it for several years, it's been used for a LOT of projects, including fixing/repairing and putting up hardware cloth. It's been dropped, gotten rained on, been left outside, gotten muddy, stepped on, banged around and still works just fine.

Love this! DeWalt is amazing quality!
Predators like raccoons are strong enough to rip out staples.
It is more work, but screws with fender washers are much stronger.
Yes agreed that is what I am using - screws with washers, and also 1” strapping screwed above that as an initial barrier. This is for a Summer House for the gang - I have used 2 of my horse stalls, removed the centre wall making a large area. But I had to close up the spaces above the walls to prevent any possible raccoons getting in.

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