*** AUGUST HATCH-A-LONG come join in ***

Shouldn't get rid of an animal for doing what it was made to do, imo- that's not fair to the kitten you agreed to provide care for by taking in. I don't want to sound mean, and I am very sad to hear of your loss, but the chicks should have been in a container the cat couldn't get into if the door to the room they were in was being left open. Brooders are really easy and cheap to make, and if you need any help designing one I would be glad to help. I made mine for less than 1 dollar (I assume you already have a heat lamp if you have chicks) out of a cardboard box and some duct tape. We've got 5 cats and a dog and not one of them, even our best huntress cat, has figured out how to get into it.
I saw some cat crates at the family doller general store for 10.00 maybe that would help ......I got one for my cat to transport to the vet and back. They are big enough for a cat to move around in much like a dog crate. Maybe that would help during times you cant keep an eye on the kitten?
Well, I have 4 brand new chicks in their brooder this morning. They started hatching yesterday morning. My EE egg was the last one, as usual. And, as usual I had to help it along. Out of the 4 times I have incubated eggs, I have tried to incubate 7 of her eggs. the first attempt none hatched out. fully formed babies, and had pipped into the air sac, and that's it. the second attempt, one hatched on it's own. after 23 days, i decided to try and help the other 2. one was already dead. when i candled the 3rd egg, i could see the beak in the air sac, no movement. i decided to go ahead and help it. i knew if i put it back, it would i probably shrink wrap. well, i tapped a crack into the air sac, and peeled shell alway. the beak was completely visible. i am so glad i decided to help. the chick could not move. i peeled the outer shell wrapped warm paper towels around the membrane, and laid it back in the bator. that chick made it
The 3rd attempt i had one hatch, had to help it a bit. This time, the very same thing happened to the one EE egg that made it to lockdown. Don't know what it is with these eggs in particular. none of my other eggs have done this. hmmm...well, no matter. she has given me beautiful babies. Anyway, I have 4 of her babies now. The first three are speckled-looking (black and white), they are just gorgeous, but this last one looks just like mom. I am glad one of them came out looking like her.
So far, I'm happy with my hatch...this one being staggered, I got a little bit to go. 40 of the quail eggs are in lockdown, and i have 1 silkie egg, and 2 silkie/slw eggs that don't go into lockdown until August 27th. Shipped eggs, kinda nervous, but so far so good.
dont get me wrong i love my pets. and i love my kitten my DH was mad b/c he knew how much it meant to me ive been wanting chicks for a long time so he said she cant come back in. we have 2 dogs that love cats. and if we deside to give her to someone else it would be someone that would love the kitten. i'm not someone that would just drop the kitten off somewhere. i am afraid that if she stays outside though she will go after my adult chickens. they are protected but you never know how they can figure out how to get in.
I am so sorry to hear that....that is not good. who opened the door to the bathroom?? maybe next time, after they hatch put them in a lg. container and put wire across the top of it until they can go outside to a brooder....

no one the cat got out by itself! i am trying to deside if i should get rid of the kitten or not

I have a cat, and it lives outside, but I could never get rid of it..I love it to pieces....I found it one morning about 2 yrs. ago, someone had thrown it out in my yard and it was covered with fleas...now it is gorgeous and follows me all around better than my dog, and it even rides on my shoulder when I am feeding up in the snow...so think twice about getting rid of it....you will find a way. I know you will...Good Luck.
OK SO... it looks like only one of our eggs is actually going to hatch.... what do I do with the chick?

I don't think it is good to put it in a brooder box by itself.... should I leave it with teh then that has brooded it? She is very protective?
Just candled my BR egg which is due on August 31st, and I saw major movement!
Atleast I know that for now I'm doing something right. I'm trying not to get my hopes up too high, but it's hard!
My other BR eggs (stagger hatching) are starting to get veins....I'm so excited! I think one of them is infertile, but I can't quite tell yet. Yay for hatching!

Hope everyone is having a good month of hatching !

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