AuntiePatricia says Hi!

Hello Patricia, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.

Chickens lay eggs because they're born with all the yolks they're ever going to have. The only reason they need a rooster around is to fertilize those eggs. Then if they incubate them they will hatch chicks.

Yes. You definitely should. I will be surprised if any of your fertilized eggs hatch in the setup you are using.

You also don't need to have many layers of wire to secure the chickens. You just have to have one layer of very securely attached 1/2" hardware cloth on 3 to 4 ft wide spacing.
Hi, DobieLover.
Thank you for your warm welcome and thank you for explaining about eggs & fertilization. I did find an incubator - one of TWO digital incubators in my town in midMO. I guess incubators are in demand now, since everyone wants to have chickens & eggs. It's a Harris Farms Nurture Right 360 - a real beauty. The incubator is still 99+ degrees this morning tho it's below freezing outside. YIPPEE! "My chewing gum & bailing wire" system was really stressing me out. :) I pray I didn't ruin the eggs by subjecting them to too low temperatures for a couple of days.
The wire is not so much to keep the chickens IN, but the RACCOONS and DOGS and WOLVES etc, out of the coop... and the deer out of the garden. :) Probably not much I can do about the mice who love chicken food and the snakes who like to eat eggs.
Praying this group of chickens survives for many years.
Hiya, Patricia, and welcome to BYC! :frow

Did you know you can feed your kombucha scobys to chickens? They love it! I've fed it whole or chopped it up and it doesn't matter which way. It's a huge source of probiotics among other things for them. I gave up drinking the tea, but was still raising the scobys for a long time.
That is a good idea, Debbie. I have a bunch of "extra SCOBY" and I will keep them for the chickens that hatch... only 20 more days. :) I'd better get the coop ready - move to the garden and paint! Today there is snow outside... I hope it will go away by April. :)
Probably not much I can do about the mice who love chicken food and the snakes who like to eat eggs.
The 1/2" hardware cloth will take care of these while a few strands of hot wires charged with at least 10,000 volts/1 Joule will deter the larger predators.
Hi! I hope your hatch goes well! I'm glad you got a nice incubator. That will make a big difference.

I've made kombucha and kifer and love natto and tried to make it once, but it did not turn out well. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but didn't ever try it again.

Hopefully you can keep us posted on your incubation progress!

Thanks for joining and welcome to BackYard Chickens!

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