Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

Wow, the faces in that mountain... And the colour! When I was young pretty much 90% of my photos were of cloud formations.

So you've always head in the clouds, lol.





The Wyandotte babies are growing up.
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So you've always head in the clouds, lol.





The Wyandotte babies are growing up.

So pretty fancy :) It's funny every pick you post i see all the green first lol. I think i really am rain deprived lol. Everything here is so brown and sooo much dust. It's the dryest summer since we moved here 7 years ago. From Dec to feb we normally average about 400 mm of rain. This time we have had 75mm in 3 months and only 5mm for the whole of feb :( (jan 2011 we got 484mm in two and half days)
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Chook the only thing I can think of killing that fast other than poison is cocci. I've seen chicks die in less than 12 hours. Keep an eye on everyone else , you need to have amprolium on hand if you notice anyone else in trouble, act fast. Sorry , but the chicks probably brought it in.

I am sorry for everyones losses I have been at work and only just catching up now..

Fancy in Chooks circumstance can you give Amprolium on a low dose to be on the safe side ? or would you hold off till you see symptoms ?
I am sorry for everyones losses  I have been at work and only just catching up now..

Fancy in Chooks circumstance can you give Amprolium on a low dose to be on the safe side ? or would you hold off till you see symptoms ?

Sam I'd treat everyone. I start taking my chicks from the brooder outside and exposing them to the soil when they are just a few weeks old ( helps to build immunity ) Cocci is everywhere, some chooks just can't tolerate it. It's especially a nuisance in warm humid temperatures. I feed medicated chick starter for 6-8 weeks, but be sure to check the use by date on the bag, it does have a shelf life. If you google ' little farm poultry ' they have the treatment and maintainence doses .
So pretty fancy :) It's funny every pick you post i see all the green first lol. I think i really am rain deprived lol. Everything here is so brown and sooo much dust. It's the dryest summer since we moved here 7 years ago. From Dec to feb we normally average about 400 mm of rain. This time we have had 75mm in 3 months and only 5mm for the whole of feb :( (jan 2011 we got 484mm in two and half days)

It's amazing how quickly it comes back to life. We had a couple of good nights rain and you could see the green tinge almost immediately . Don't worry, there's hope for your bowling green lawn yet.
A Very Good Morning All .. what a beautiful morning it is, looking out my office window

Bubby pictures; the two blues were camera-shy so no piccies of them ..............

One week old.

I am pretty sure this one is a boy.
The platform under the ramp is what we made on the weekend. It is strategically placed in front of but lower than the balcony and under the ramp so that they have a drop-point so to speak. They have taken to running up the ramp, jumping onto the platform and then back onto the ground!

Not that I would have a favourite (lol). But if I was going to; this little girl (?) would definitely be it :)

This little one is mostly black and I'm thinking also a boy. Luv the fluffy butt in the background! lol

Cilla: "And this is how you dig for bugs":

[COLOR=000000]A Very Good Morning All .. what a beautiful morning it is, looking out my office window :frow [/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Bubby pictures; the two blues were camera-shy so no piccies of them ..............[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]One week old.[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]I am pretty sure this one is a boy.[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]The platform under the ramp is what we made on the weekend. It is strategically placed in front of but lower than the balcony and under the ramp so that they have a drop-point so to speak. They have taken to running up the ramp, jumping onto the platform and then back onto the ground![/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]Not that I would have a favourite (lol). But if I was going to; this little girl (?) would definitely be it :)[/COLOR] [COLOR=000000]This little one is mostly black and I'm thinking also a boy. Luv the fluffy butt in the background! lol[/COLOR] [COLOR=333333][COLOR=000000]Cilla: "And this is how you dig for bugs":[/COLOR][/COLOR] [COLOR=333333] [/COLOR] Lovely pics of your little ones :)
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The secret to good chook photos seems to be getting down to their level.  Do you take these shots lying down in the grass?
My problem is I have no grass anymore, and can't quite come at lying down in a pen full of chook poop to take photos!

xxxx   M

Yes Michael , a lot of my pics are at ground level. I have a bench seat in each of the yards and the Wyandotte and Sussex are in curable sticky beaks, so as soon as I sit down they jump up next to me.

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