Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

The joys of Sydney weather. I can swap you for the day if you like. It's blowing a gale and at 11.30am its only reached 15c... brr. Think august weather has hit us early again ...grrr..

Yeah! Tell me about it!

It is so freaking windy here at the moment .. the girls are freaking out!

One bonus, with the weather we have had of late, I have been struggling to get washing that I pegged out at 9am dry by dusk; today it had blow dried by lunch time!
@Teila. Absolutely sure there is something going on making her eat the straw and shavings and that it's all related to her crop issues.

Bit the bullet and wormed her today. Figure yes if she has worms the overload of them all dying could be dangerous to her health but..... If she does and that's behind her crop not working she is going to slowly die of starvation anyway, if she hasn't got worms it's not going to hurt. Fingers crossed it helps as I'm all out of ideas. She is dangerously underweight and the food she does eat never seems to work through her crop properly as it's never empty in the morning and comes out the end as watery poops with un digested food in them. I've lost track but must be 3 weeks since her crop op and she is still no better than before. It's probably a miracle she is still going to be honest.

If she would just do one normal poop I think I would relax but alas no luck.
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Gees appps it must be so frustrating for you.

I understand that I do not have the full story because I am here and Carl is not my chicken but with what I have read, I would be getting a bit peeved with the Vet. You are doing all you can, she appears to not be improving and it sounds like they are not giving you good advice (if any) and I am sure the procedure was not cheap!

I tend to agree with you regards the worming and would probably have done the same thing myself .. got everything crossed that she comes good
@Teila. Absolutely sure there is something going on making her eat the straw and shavings and that it's all related to her crop issues.

Bit the bullet and wormed her today. Figure yes if she has worms the overload of them all dying could be dangerous to her health but..... If she does and that's behind her crop not working she is going to slowly die of starvation anyway, if she hasn't got worms it's not going to hurt. Fingers crossed it helps as I'm all out of ideas. She is dangerously underweight and the food she does eat never seems to work through her crop properly as it's never empty in the morning and comes out the end as watery poops with un digested food in them. I've lost track but must be 3 weeks since her crop op and she is still no better than before. It's probably a miracle she is still going to be honest.

If she would just do one normal poop I think I would relax but alas no luck.
at least she wants to eat. Thats definitely in her favour. Fingers crossed worming helps
@Teila. Absolutely sure there is something going on making her eat the straw and shavings and that it's all related to her crop issues.

Bit the bullet and wormed her today. Figure yes if she has worms the overload of them all dying could be dangerous to her health but..... If she does and that's behind her crop not working she is going to slowly die of starvation anyway, if she hasn't got worms it's not going to hurt. Fingers crossed it helps as I'm all out of ideas. She is dangerously underweight and the food she does eat never seems to work through her crop properly as it's never empty in the morning and comes out the end as watery poops with un digested food in them. I've lost track but must be 3 weeks since her crop op and she is still no better than before. It's probably a miracle she is still going to be honest.

If she would just do one normal poop I think I would relax but alas no luck.

Poor Carl. I hope the worming helps.
Anyone bought anything from wallan poultry? Paid for some polish eggs. Have sent 2 emails no reply and they aren't answering their phone...hmmmm
No, but they look like a fairly large operation so are unlikely to disappear. Perhaps they overcommitted the eggs and are now waiting for some more to be laid? I really like the look of their large blue indian game though.

appps, has your chook put on any weight? Perhaps its just a matter of time. My flock spend most of their outside time grazing on grass and eating dirt. I've given up worrying about it, but a crop issue is different. Mine have always eaten wood shavings as well. I had Steve with a damp bit of woodchip hanging out of her beak on my lap the other day while I checked her comb. Such a lovely look.

I'd be tempted to let her eat what she wants, especially if she has put on a tiny bit of weight, but hindsight is a wonderful thing & you won't know if that a good or very bad idea until after. Hang in there.

Snowy has taken to hiding her eggs & the others have all followed her lead (except for Stampy) so I have an egg search every day after the chicken chores. Surely its the wrong time of year for this broody behaviour?
Morning folks … TGIF

Fancy thank you for the ACV tip. That swingset coop is pretty good and looks so easy to do!

RodneyRooster Congrats on the one flock … I am a little ways off yet but getting there. Apologies that I have no experience with roosters, well besides having to find them homes that is.

satay congrats on the Pekin egg .. woot woot!

K Spot congrats also on the new layer. Sounds like love might be in air; before you know it Casanova will be carving Whoopi’s name in a tree with his spurs

appps as you know, I am still a relative beginner, learning as I go along but I read somewhere that hungry chickens resort to eating straw, hay etc. I am by no means suggesting that you are starving Carl but wonder if there is still not something going on internally which is making her hungry enough to do that?

As Fancy and Anniebee have suggested, she may be craving some roughage/greens.

Sjturner79 I am so sorry to read that you lost Cluck Cluck

Anniebee my gals hate rice; brown or white! I have tried to mix it into their diet and they eat everything around it and leave me just as much rice as what I put in there.

Has it been windy when your gals have made a decision that free ranging is not much fun?
On windy days, if I open the run door to let them out, they look at me as if to say “are you serious?”. Then wander out a few steps but if the wind picks up again, run straight back into the run.

Deej211 Sorry to read of your incubator issues and your losses

Sidhe13 my gals love sardines and also tuna .. I make sure that the tuna I give them is in spring water, not brine.

Aaaw Sam while rain is good, the timing in your case sucks! I hope it does not stick around and you get the fence finished.

In general news:
Do you remember me mentioning my friend in the States a couple of days ago and the virus she was battling with? In two days her losses have gone from 2 to 5 and she does not hold out much hope for number 6 How devastating for her
; 6 chickens is my entire flock! She has sent one off for necropsy so hopefully soon she will know what she is dealing with. Very scary!

This weekend free range integration needs to be stepped up a notch! In the afternoons, when time is limited because of lack of daylight, Cilla and Co are still getting a fenced free range; barely keeping them separated from the Aunties. Yesterday, Crystal was eyeing off the temporary fence and two seconds later, perched on it! I was able to coax her back to the right side but it will not be long before they are wanting over and out! Having seen Crystal up high, I could see KiKi's little chicken senses tingling and she was contemplating a leap also ... however, being a Frizzle, her flight skills are equivalent to those of a penguin!

Love your posts Teila - so often super entertaining, and a great idea to answer everyone at once - brings us all together even more.

How strange about the rice, and your chooks not having anything to do with it. I am almost certain apps said her poor little Carl had shown interest in rice, but now cannot find the post.

appps. .... is that correct, or did I dream it ? ..... There is soooo much here, it gets a bit overwhelming at times.

Re - your girls getting over fences etc Teila . ... I couldn't stand the thought - mainly because I cannot climb trees anymore ( bung forever ankle ) .... and my fear they might be lost or worse. So their wings get clipped - not a lot - just enough. Does not impede their flight to roost ... and does not stop them leaping up at me arm height - or even onto the run fence when they anticipate goodies, but any higher is a no-no.

To answer your question ... yes .... it was on the windiest of days we had these past few weeks, ( every day except today has been windy ) .... that my girls disappeared back into their coops.

So that answers that question, and thank you. So many animals don't like the wind, horses ( often, especially ) and dogs. My Miss Ruby hates it, and I am 'asked' ( yes - asked with a little voice talk whine ) to go stand by her while she pees, when it is windy. So - of course I do, don't I. ? Good that I understand dog talk
If I didn't she wouldn't do her toilet - and would hang on. Around here ( Upwey, Victoria ) she'd have hung on for days in recent weeks or piddled inside. Doesn't give a **** about the rain though. ... And neither do the chooks.

Have given sardines in oil or water, but was a bit dubious about tuna. Now I can add that to their mash diet as well. They adore cooked mince steak, and even adopt a 'top chook' attitude with pecks " this is mine - get lost " .... ( which they take in turns to do !! ).

Such funny adorable darlings.

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Any fish really. mine really love diced fresh fish or thawed frozen fish.

Hubby said he took some fried anchovies and rice leftovers for the dogs didn't realise the dogs were tied up as they raid the chook feed so the chooks ate the leftover rice and anchovies lol the dogs get to watch me clean me up

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